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On the 33rd Anniversary of the National Tragedy of the Killing of Political Prisoners!

On the 33rd Anniversary of the National Tragedy of the Killing of Political Prisoners!

On the 33rd Anniversary of the National Tragedy of the Killing of Political Prisoners!

Criminals will be Brought to Justice!

Thirty-three years have passed since the killing of political prisoners by order of the criminal Ruhollah Khomeini in the country's prisons. A number of political and judicial officials, including the current president, Ibrahim Raisi, and the head of the judiciary, Mohseni Ejei, both directly and indirectly appointed by Ali Khamenei, have been directly involved in the execution of political prisoners. In the early years, government leaders took a more than two-decade approach of silence and denial. For several years, as a result of the continuous and praiseworthy struggle of the families of the victims and the efforts of the political organizations and democratic institutions for human rights and the release of Ayatollah Montazeri's audiotape, the silence of the regime has been broken and some officials, including the regime leader Ali Khamenei, shamelessly defended the killing of prisoners, and the new president and member of the 1988 death committee brazenly expressed his gratitude for his determination to issue death sentences for prisoners.

Now the voice of the protests of the plaintiff forces, which was loud from the very first days, has soared that the news of this massacre has reached the ears of the Iranian people in the most remote parts of the country. Undeniably, this voice of justice will resonate over time, and the siege of murderers and criminals will become narrower day by day, and it will not be long before we see the trial of the perpetrators of the massacre of 1988. Abroad, terrorist agents of the Islamic Republic have been brought to justice for years. Mykonos court in Berlin, Germany, after three years of trial, revealed the role of the regime’s leaders in assassinating dissidents and convicted them. The latest case is a Belgian court that sentenced several assassins and bombers, Assadollah Asadi, Amir Saadouni and Nasimeh Naami, to 18 to 20 years in prison. But in direct connection with the massacre of 1988, this is the first time in a Swedish court that a regime’s criminal named Hamid Nouri has been arrested and tried for participating in the killing of political prisoners. And all the evidence points to the conviction of this criminal. This trial is the beginning of opening the way for the trial of the officials who ordered the killings and assassinations.

On the 33rd anniversary of the massacre of thousands of political prisoners in the dreaded prisons of the Islamic Republic, the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) remembers all the fallen fighters, freedom-loving souls, sincere companions of the establishment of democracy, egalitarian plaintiffs, and all those who sacrificed their lives for freedom, social justice, and liberation from the tyranny of the Islamic Republic, and bows respect to them and their suffering families. Our party respects the efforts and struggles of all plaintiffs and tries its best to keep the flag of this national lawsuit risen. We reiterate that the Islamic Republic is responsible for the killings during its lifetime, especially the killings of political prisoners. The main regime officials, in whatever category and responsibility they have been, are responsible for this crime and must be held accountable for their criminal actions. It is not just executioners, decision-makers and members of the death committee who are to blame. Everyone in any category and position that has remained silent in the face of this unprecedented crime and has not disclosed information about the killing of political prisoners is responsible. Hamid Nouri is standing trial. We hope that as a result of the efforts of all freedom fighters, other criminals will be brought to justice.

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)

September 1, 2021

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