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Our Country Needs Fundamental Change Let Us Concur and Unite!

Our Country Needs Fundamental Change Let Us Concur and Unite!

Political Platform Ratified by the Second Congress:

Our Country Needs Fundamental Change

Let Us Concur and Unite!

At its first congress, the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian), by evaluating the country's political trends, announced its strategy and based its policies on social and political forces on it. We have tried to present our policies, approaches, and various aspects of our strategy for getting out of the current situation, based on the "general directions of the party platform" that was approved in the first congress and considering the political, economic, and social developments and the balance of work of the Islamic Republic between our two congresses.

By examining the political situation in the country and assessing the intertwined crises of the Islamic Republic, the widespread protests of the people against the regime and their intolerance of its domination, our party emphasizes the need for a fundamental change in the political structure of the country. Our goal is a peaceful transition from the Islamic Republic to a secular democratic republic in Iran. Our strategy continues to be based on social movements, popular uprisings and civil protests, and the mobilization of political and social forces, combinations of strikes, protest uprisings and civil disobedience. We will continue to work for fulfillment and strengthening of solidarity among various sections of the people's movement.

Given the need for fundamental change in the country, we work to achieve the widest possible consensus and agreement for the transition from the Islamic Republic. While emphasizing the weight of secular and democratic Republican forces and explicitly opposing any foreign intervention and alternative making by foreign governments, by building a consensus on the principles of democracy, including pluralism, free elections, ballot box judgement, and formation of the Constituent Assembly in order to draft a constitution among the country's political forces, we work to pave the non-violence way of transition from the Islamic Republic.

Deepening of the Political Crisis

The record of the Islamic Republic in this period of time can be summarized in the deepening and more intertwined crises of the country. In recent years, the country's economic situation has worsened, the lives of the majority of the population have become more miserable, poverty and unemployment have widened, the gap between poverty and wealth has widened, the crisis of inefficiency in the regime has deepened, and public dissatisfaction has risen. The regime has also accelerated the process of suppressing popular protests, arresting, convicting, executing, and killing political and civil activists, restricting public access to the international Internet and social networks, and at the same time removing and purging its own ranks. The criminal strategy of the regime, especially Ali Khamenei, to counter the Corona pandemic, to advance destructive plans in the field of environment, to continue costly nuclear policies, to continue the policy of tension in the region, to support militant groups, enmity with the West and especially the United States are characteristics of the Islamic Republic's performance in this period.

The Guardianship of the Islamic Jurist (Velayat-e Faqih) apparatus, led by Vali-e Faqih, Ali Khamenei, has continued the project of unifying the regime, closing the circle within it, leaving aside and shuffling elements to create a favorable path for resolving the issue of succession among those close to him. In addition to the reformists and moderates, some members of the right wing of the regime have also been removed from power. Khamenei's succession has become a major challenge for the regime. Various spectra are planning for the future of the regime and after Khamenei. Conflicts within the system in this regard, in the context of the accumulation of crises, inefficiency, corruption, economic crisis and growing public dissatisfaction, can lead to severe shocks during the transfer of leadership to Khamenei's successor.

The inefficiency and inability of the structure of the Islamic Republic to run the country has increased during this period and the distrust of the majority of the people towards the political system has risen to new dimensions. A large part of the society no longer wants to tolerate the regime domination and wants fundamental changes in the status quo. By resorting to systematic repression, relying on the ruling clergy, the Revolutionary Guards, various intelligence-security organs, far-right forces and limited social base, the mafia gang of wealth and power, layers of the bourgeoisie (traditional, commercial, military, financial and real estate bourgeoisie), the Islamic Republic continues to dominate. The regime's ability to respond to the needs of society has now been severely curtailed, the political crisis has extended into the system, and with the weakening of its social base, the process of declining the number of loyal forces in the body of the system has intensified. The people's fear of the regime has collapsed, the regime's fear of the people has intensified, the balance of power is changing to the detriment of the regime, and opposition to the regime is becoming pervasive in society.


Vali-e-Faqih ‌ Ali Khamenei, relying on his accomplices, by unifying the regime and handing over the leadership of the executive branch to Ibrahim Ra'isi, the symbol of the killing of political prisoners, wants to control the pervasive crisis in society, resist external and internal pressures, and implement the "Islamic Society" in the country. But taking such a "step" is just an illusion and will not be able to get anywhere.

The Crippling Economic Crisis and the Deepening of the Class Divide

Iran's economy is facing many major challenges and with the continuation of the recession crisis - inflation and sanctions, during three years - from 2018 to the end of year 2020 - compared to year 2017 has decreased by about 17%, GDP has halved over the past four years, investment rate has become negative, a large number of production units have shut down or their capacity has decreased, poverty and unemployment have increased, capital flight has accelerated and the value of the rial against foreign currencies has fallen sharply. During this period, the fall in the value of stocks in the Tehran Stock Exchange has increased the number of people who have lost their financial resources.

According to the latest estimate of the success rate of countries (Legatum index), Iran in 2020 has ranked 120th among 167 countries. According to a report published in 2020, Iran's performance is below the success indicators and lower than the global average.

The escalation of the economic crisis has consistently worsened the situation of wage-earning families. About a third of the population is below the absolute poverty line, and more than 90 percent of the country's workers are unable to provide for their basic needs with their current income. The urban middle class is also declining to become poorer. The majority of this part of the society has lost its social status, even its former place of residence, and has been co-destined with the poor by being driven to the outskirts of cities.

The deepening economic crisis has severely polarized the society. At one side the size of the lower classes of society on the outskirts of cities has increased unprecedentedly, and at the other side the huge wealth is concentrated in the hands of a thin layer of the society with various corruptions. The middle class size has been drastically reduced. According to the Central Bank, in 2021, the increase in the class gap in the country was very significant. On the other hand, according to new statistics from Forbes magazine, Iran is the 14th country in the world in terms of the number of billionaires and it is shocking that it has the first place in the Middle East. The number of wealthy Iranians in 2020 increased by 21% compared to the previous year, and the wealth of these people also increased by 24.3% in dollars during the same year. While more than 60% of Iranians suffer from relative poverty, according to the Social Security Administration, 30% of Iran's population lives below the absolute poverty line.

With the continuing economic crisis and the devastating effects of the US sanctions on the economy, further paralysis is a real possibility. The political structure, policies and actions of the Islamic Republic, the political influence of the wealth-power band and layers of the bourgeoisie prevent any fundamental opening in the country's economy, and without changing the current political structure, the country's economy cannot be saved. Although it is possible that with a minimal agreement on JCPOA, the opening of the Islamic Republic's hand in implementing a strategic agreement with China will open new possibilities for the survival of the regime, but these changes will not mean the end of the current chronic and deep-rooted economic crisis.

The fundamental opening in the country's economy depends on fundamental changes in the country's political structure.

Corona and the Destructive Effects of Prohibition of its Vaccine Import

Iran was one of the first countries where the spread of the corona became widespread. The Islamic Republic, however, is one of the regimes that not only did not take serious action to prevent gatherings and traffic, but also conducted the vaccination process with a long delay, in the form of scattered and disproportionate measures. Ali Khamenei played with the life of a nation by announcing a ban on the import of approved vaccines from the United States and Britain. His order cost the nation loss of opportunities and tens of thousands of lives. The commission of this blatant crime against the Iranian people shows a security perspective on public health, expediency, and corruption among regime officials and organs. Our Iran has the most negative ranking in terms of Corona indicators. According to the official statistics of the officials of the Islamic Republic, so far more than one hundred and twenty-six thousands of our compatriots have lost their lives due to the Corona, and this number is still increasing. This is while the real statistics are more than double the official statistics.

The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) appreciates the sacrifice and sense of responsibility of the country's health care staff and public institutions, emphasizes the need to put public pressure on the Islamic Republic to increase the speed of public vaccination by providing vaccines from all sources approved by the World Health Organization.

Catastrophic Environmental Situation

The environmental crisis of our country in various fields, especially water, has reached devastating dimensions, the responsibility of which is mainly on the officials of the Islamic Republic. Irresponsible use of the country's natural water resources, the consequences of focusing on the development of industries with large amount of water usage in low water areas, diversion of rivers, dams building and drilling of deep wells and excessive use of aquifers and ignoring the need to reorganize agriculture and change it for greater productivity using modern technology are among these policies. Policies that have seriously endangered the fate of the country's farmers and caused water shortages in various parts of the country and the migration of millions of them to the outskirts of large cities.

Tackling climate change requires serious action in international, regional, and national levels. In the international arena, active participation in coordination to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible, in the regional arena, coordination and agreement with neighboring countries to ensure "fair share of water" and cooperation in environmental protection, and in the domestic arena, short-, medium- and long-term planning is a necessity of the day to protect the ecosystem. Forming a committee of environmental experts and empowering it for comprehensive national and local planning is the first and practical step to prevent further environmental degradation and to manage the water and ecosystem crisis. Unfortunately, some environmental activists in Iran have been persecuted and punished by the regime for pursuing the above demands.

The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) considers it necessary to formulate the necessary plans and regulations and take effective measures to prevent air pollution, destroy forests and pastures, and dry up wetlands and lakes. Our party emphasizes on replacement of fossil and nuclear energy with clean energy, optimal use of energy and reduction of emissions of pollutants based on environmental standards, and the need for planning for these goals. We support specialized environmental organizations and committees that work for comprehensive national and local planning, work to prevent further environmental degradation, and manage water and ecosystem crises. With emphasizing the need to comply with international conventions on the environment and elimination of the risk of global warming, we support any necessary international action to protect the environment. We are proponent of support for the work of environmental institutions and the immediate release of environmental activists.

Spread of the Protests, People's Defiance of the Regime

The political sphere of the country has changed with the January 2017 and November 2019 uprisings. The protests of the people of Khuzestan and the protests in a number of cities in defense of them were based on the continuation of the uprising in November 2019. The main trend of the people's struggles in social uprisings and their main slogans is against the Islamic Republic headed by Ali Khamenei. The accumulation of anger and the people’s defiance are the two main components in the social psychology of Iran today and the rise of protest movements.

Along with the street uprisings, we are witnessing the formation of a demands’ movement by various groups of people, including protests and strikes by workers, teachers, retirees, medical staff, women, students, and farmers. Its hallmark is the substantial number of large-scale workers' strikes across the country, including strikes by workers at Haft Tappeh, Ahwaz Steel, and large-scale strikes by oil and petrochemical project workers. Last year, there were more than 2,000 civil unrest and strikes by workers, women, capital losers, retirees, dervishes, Kurdish load carriers, Baluch fuel traders, students, teachers, and farmers.

The continuation and spread of protests, strikes, and popular uprisings weaken and weary the Islamic Republic, increase dissatisfaction in the social base and body of regime and erode its forces, incites disobedience in the ranks of the repressive forces, paves the way for creation of split in the power structure in using violence against popular uprisings and gradually weaken the will of the oppressors. As this trend continues, the regime's political dominance and repressive power will become more vulnerable.

The influx of a large part of the middle class towards the poor, being marginalized and merging with the poor has created a large new social group that has its own characteristics. The merging of the lower middle classes with the urban poor on the one hand, and the expansion of access to social networks and information on the realities of the country and the world among the poor on the other, has increasingly intertwined the two components of freedom and social justice and has increased the necessity and status of democracy focused on social justice and has become an urgent issue of the day and the future of the country's developments. This reality has affected the composition of social forces, demands, and slogans of the people's movement.

Linking street uprisings with the protest movements of various social groups is a necessity that can strengthen the people's protest movement. We consider it our duty to strengthen the solidarity between different parts of the people's civil movements.

Contentious Foreign Policy, JCPOA, and the Region

The basis of the Islamic Republic's foreign policy in this period was not de-escalation and establishment of peace in the region and cultural exchanges, economic growth needs and national interests, but "system interests" instead of national interests and issuing ideological intentions of the system instead of constructive relations between countries. During this period, the policy of enmity with the West, especially the United States and Israel, and the division of countries into friend and foe continued.

The Trump administration also made the situation more difficult for the Iranian people by withdrawing from JCPOA and imposing comprehensive sanctions. Biden's policy is to return to JCPOA, but with the addition of subjects like limiting the missile range and curbing the Islamic Republic's influence in the region. The Islamic Republic, however, pursues a policy of acquiring nuclear weapons knowledge and technique to the point of building atomic bomb. Such a policy has caused great damage to our country so far, has imposed extremely heavy costs on our people, and could expose our country to more serious dangers, including the catastrophe of war.

We are against the Islamic Republic's nuclear project. We consider the start of negotiations, the revival of JCPOA, and the lifting of economic sanctions in the interest of the people. We also emphasize on detente policy in the region and negotiations to normalize relations with neighbors.

In our view, the one-sided policy of "looking east" and being hostile to the West, especially the United States, is against our national interests. We are advocate of an end to this hostility and adoption of a balanced and positive policy with the world powers. We welcome Iran's membership in regional and international civil treaties that guarantee national interests. Our country's membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization will also be in the national interest of Iran when it is accompanied by the adoption of a balanced policy with the world powers. It should be noted that, contrary to the perception of the leaders of the Islamic Republic, the two main countries of the Shanghai Organization, namely China and Russia, easily use the relations with the Islamic Republic as a means of securing their interests and violate their obligations. The 25-year memorandum of understanding between the Islamic Republic and the Chinese government, the original text of which has not yet been published, has many ambiguities. The information so far shows that this memorandum, in the context of the current policies of the Islamic Republic, does not guarantee the national interests of Iran.

We oppose polarization in international relations and the division of countries and nations into friends and enemies. We consider having a balanced and bilateral relationship with all countries to be vital to the national interests of the country.

The Islamic Republic has imposed harms to the country's economy by delaying the adoption of FATF-related bills, and the continuation of this policy is to the detriment of the Iranian people. We are advocate of the FATF adoption.

The Taliban's dark domination of Afghanistan is one of the recent developments in the region and a catastrophic event for this country, the region, and the world. The continuation of this domination may cause chaos in the region and provide a favorable platform for the rise of extremist strata such as ISIS and al-Qaeda and create twofold problems for our country. We must fight against Talibanism. we must support the democratic and progressive struggles of the Afghan people and our country must openly embrace the reception of Afghan refugees.

Recognizing the Taliban government without accepting the presence and participation of other Afghan political strata in an inclusive government by this fundamentalist and monopolistic organization is against the national interests of the Afghan people and against security and peace in the whole region.

The hegemonic policies of the United States and the destructive policies of its allies, especially the coercion of the Israeli government and its opposition to the formation of an independent Palestinian state based on UN resolutions, have been instrumental in turning the Middle East into a field of hostilities and proxy wars and have paved the way for the growth of extremist forces such as ISIS. Getting out of the current situation requires dialogue and negotiation between warring states, breaking away from the circle of hostility and war, stopping the production of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction, and moving towards economic, political, and cultural cooperation.

We consider the end of the Islamic Republic's military involvement in regional conflicts and its adventures in the formation of paramilitary forces in the region, abandonment of expansionist policies and normalization of relations with all countries, especially neighboring countries, and recognition of the existence of Israel in the interest of the Iranian people.

The Transition from the Islamic Republic

The Islamic Republic is facing accumulated and intertwined crises such as the crisis of legitimacy, the crisis of management and inefficiency, economic crisis, environmental crisis, lack of people's participation in power, the crisis of social trust, the crisis of systematic and structured corruption, moral crisis, and foreign policy crisis. These crises threaten the future of the country. To overcome these crises and break the deadlock, our society needs the transition from the Islamic Republic and the establishment of a system based on the free will of the people.

The Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian), as a left party with the ideology of democratic socialism, is currently fighting for the transition from the Islamic Republic to the establishment of a secular and democratic republic. We call on all democratic forces, left and freedom-seekers, all activists of social and civil movements, individual activists, and nationalist parties and organizations to cooperate and unite to create a system based on the free will of the people of Iran. Respect for the beliefs and religion of every single citizen, complete separation of religion from the state, accountability of the government to the people, meeting economic and social demands of people, sustainable development, elimination of any sex, gender, ethnic, religious, and ideological discrimination, belief in equal rights for women with men, the acceptance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the adherence of all the pillars and institutions governing the country to the popular vote are the characteristics of such a system.

Our Strategy

Our strategy for the peaceful transition from the Islamic Republic is based on social movements, civic institutions, popular uprisings, and mobilization of workers, the poor, the oppressed, teachers, students, retirees, artists, cultural figures, and academics. We strongly support the independent organization of the people, the combination of popular uprisings, union strikes, general strikes, and other civil disobedience as the means to a democratic transition from the current regime. At the same time, we believe that the struggle of the people to force the regime to withdrawals in any field and to any extent is in favor of democratic processes and a step forward in the struggle against religious tyranny. We fight for the holding of free elections in accordance with internationally recognized standards and its conditions in Iran.

We oppose the foreign governments' plans to create alternatives to the current regime and the reliance of the opposition on such programs. Instead, we rely on cooperation and coordination of political forces believing in freedom, democracy, and social justice, as well as the use of popular support of institutions and public opinion, in and out of Iran, to transition to a free and fair society.

We believe in the independent mobilization of people. The establishment of democracy and social justice is possible only through national and inclusive struggle and social mobilization of different sections of the population. We emphasize connecting struggles by different social groups. Our goal is to support the struggles of this group and strengthen the solidarity between them.

Our strategic slogan is the transition from the Islamic Republic to a secular and democratic republic, the formation of the Constituent Assembly, and the drafting of a new constitution. Our discourse and practical activity serve this purpose.

Our Collaborations, Alliances, and Coalitions

The current subtle situation and the prospect of developments require that our policies in these areas be pursued more actively and more explicitly. This is our approach in this regard.

Formation of the Left Bloc

The Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian) views the coalition and alliance between left parties and individual activists believing in socialism democracy, as a step towards strengthening the defense of the interests and demands of the workers, the poor, and the wage earners and elevating the Iranian left to the force of influence in the country's political sphere and its developments. Our party declares its readiness to work together to form a bloc of left-wing forces that can echo the voices of workers, other wage earners, and the lower strata of society in the country's political arena.

We are ready to cooperate at any level, from dialogue to joint activities on issues related to the labor movement, women, retirees, and other social movements, as well as on theoretical issues with other forces that consider themselves leftist and socialist.

Cooperation and Coordination of Secular Republican-Democratic Forces

The Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian) opposes any kind of individual, monarchical, hereditary, permanent, and ideological regime in Iran. We consider the formation of cooperation and synchronicity between the secular and democratic Republican forces, as necessary. We believe that the secular and democratic Republicans of Iran, in order to shape a strong Republican front of parties and individual activists in the country's political scene, must enter into a wider process of dialogue and cooperation and a comprehensive coalition.

Dialogue, Cooperation, Coalition, Agreement, and Mutual Understanding in the Transition from the Islamic Republic:

1- Dialogue with the opposition political forces is our principal goal. Hence, we welcome mutual understanding of each other's positions, examining the barriers to the cooperation of forces and ways to overcome them, finding common ground, and cooperation with those forces.

2- We try to co-operate and participate in joint efforts in campaigns and actions in defense of freedom and human rights.

3- We adhere to the understanding and agreement on the principles of democracy, including pluralism, free election based on the ballot boxes, and the formation of the Constituent Assembly to draft a constitution between the country's political forces in the transition from the Islamic Republic.

Reformists and Critics within the System

Reforms in the Islamic Republic after more than two decades of internal conflicts have been stalled and large sections of the society have realized that the Islamic Republic will not accept reforms. On the other hand, Khamenei and his allies have removed the reformists from power, a trend that has become more apparent in the recent parliamentary and presidential elections. Accelerating the process of breakup in the ranks of the reformists and strengthening the position of the radical faction of the reformists serves the strengthening of the democratic movement of the Iranian people.

Our Policies in Defense of the Struggles and Demands of the Workers

The class struggle of the Iranian workers in recent years has found a very prominent place in the overall social movements. Workers' strikes throughout Iran, especially the Haft Tappeh workers and the oil and petrochemical contract workers, were widely reflected in society and were supported by large sections of society. The Iranian working class has accumulated valuable experiences in its long-run struggles and has taken steps to organize itself. Their struggle now is one of the most prominent social struggles and has made the issue of social justice more palpable as one of the most pressing issues of the country.

The Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian) supports the workers 'struggle for their demands, the formation of trade unions and other independent organizations, as well as workers' fight against the neoliberal policies that targeted the achievements of the labor movement and their union rights and protection laws. We call for a new and progressive labor law that meets the needs of workers, to provide a fair wage commensurate with the cost of living and to pay it regularly and on time, to create employment, social security, and unemployment benefits, to guarantee freedom of association and to strike, and to ban persecution. We fight for the abolition of temporary employment contracts in jobs that are of a continuous nature, the suspension and abolition of privatization of large production and service units, the ban on child labor, the elimination of sex discrimination, and the full equality of working men and women


Persistent Struggles of the Left Forces

Despite the widespread repression of left forces in the 1980s, we are witnessing the emergence of left forces in the country's universities and among industrial workers in the following decades. The same trend is visible in various fields, including theoretical issues, translations of leftist classics, and neo-leftist academics. The forces of the left inside and outside the country are waging a steady struggle in various fields. On the other hand, some publications have officially revolted against the left and are attacking the history, ideology, and the existence of the left under any pretext. We condemn the repression of the left forces and the distortion of its history, and we support the intellectual and practical efforts of the left activists in spreading the values ​​and ideals of the left and in countering the anti-leftist efforts of the right-wing publications.

Anti-Discrimination Campaigns in Support of Women

The women's movement is the most stable social movement and the bedrock of the democratic movement against the Islamic Republic. The Islamic Republic is a manifestation of clear discrimination and violence against women and all those who have different sexual orientations or gender identities. The struggle of women in our country against discrimination and violence and the removal of the mandatory hijab has a forty-year history.

The Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian) defends the equality of women's rights with men and the struggle against the culture of patriarchy and mandatory hijab, and to eliminate all forms of discrimination and sexual and gender-based violence, equality in all areas including inheritance, marriage, divorce, and custody of children. We strive for the elimination of early age and forced marriages, the right to education up to the highest levels before and after marriage, and equal access to social, economic, and political life in general. We condemn violence against women of different sexual orientations or sexual identities and call for the recognition of their equal rights with other citizens of the country.

Growing Struggles of Teachers

Our country's teachers live in difficult conditions with low salaries and for many years, they have been trying to increase salaries, get effective insurance, equalize salaries, and improve their working conditions through nationwide rallies and constant protests. However, except for promises from the government and the authorities, they have not heard any other thing. We support their struggles for the release of imprisoned teachers, the recognition of the right to organize, the increase of salaries and the consideration of other demands of employed and retired educators, and their participation in the administration of education and the planning of free education for all.

Students Struggle for Freedom

Over the past four decades, the regime of the Islamic Republic has always used all means to silence the voice of the students and to exercise control over the universities. There is still a military atmosphere in the country's universities and security forces are significantly present. We support the students' movements and their protests against the repression of universities as well as the students' struggle for the freedom and independence of universities and their rights of political and job-related activities for professors and students.

Defending the Freedom of Expression and Activities of the Country's Artists and Cultural Figures

The Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian) supports the freedom of activity of writers, theater and film artists, filmmakers, and journalists, who are constantly persecuted by the Inquisition and repressed by the regime. The party fights to lift censorship and condemns the prosecution of writers, journalists, filmmakers, and cultural figures. We support their organizations and recognize their independence in their field of work. We ask to create the necessary facilities for the growth and promotion of various artistic disciplines and to allocate funds to encourage innovation and creativity. Artists must have adequate health insurance and social security coverages. We demand the release of imprisoned members of the Writers' Association of Iran.

National and Ethnic Struggles

The Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian) emphasizes ensuring national and ethnic rights and equality of citizens regardless of national and ethnic differences, language, religion, and individual lifestyles. We support the idea of decentralization and the necessity of managing the affairs of each region by its residents and the right to education in native languages. We defend national and ethnic rights and support the struggles of national and ethnic activists to end discrimination.

Fight against Corruption and Financial Exploitation by Privileged Officials

Corruption and financial exploitation are structural phenomena of the Islamic Republic regime. The fight against the regime corruption and financial exploitation is linked to the fight against tyranny. The fight against corruption requires transparency in economic activities, free media, and enabling the media, trade unions, guild assemblies, and non-governmental organizations to monitor the economic activities of the regime and its officials. We emphasize transparency in economic activities, the fight against corruption, and freedom of information.

Struggle for Human Rights and Legal Equality

Human rights violations are part of the structural discrimination of the Islamic Republic's regime. Many civic activists, activists of social movements, women activists, teachers, workers, writers, journalists, dissidents, human rights lawyers, environmental activists, believers in other religions are now being tortured, suffering long-term imprisonment and executions. The Islamic Republic is one of the world record holders of executions. We oppose the death penalty and insist on the need to continue and expand the unity of action against executions and to fight for the release of all political and trade union prisoners. The Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian) condemns the widespread violation of the rights of dissidents, women, and people of different sexual orientations, religious minorities (Sunnis, Zoroastrians, Jews, Baha'is, Christian converts, and Dervishes), and discrimination against Afghan residents and other non-Iranian citizens living in Iran.


2021 13 November,

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