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Halt of Threatening Actions and Unconditional Negotiations is the Path to Prevent a Military Confrontation

Halt of Threatening Actions and Unconditional Negotiations is the Path to Prevent a Military Confrontation

Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian)

Halt of Threatening Actions and Unconditional Negotiations is the Path to Prevent a Military Confrontation

Over the past few weeks, stand-off between Tehran and Washington has escalated and reached to high-risk point. Both sides have fallen in such a path that the way back is difficult. People like John Bolton and Michael Pompeo want to go beyond the maximum political pressure and drag US into a war with the IRI of Iran (IRI). They have the support of the State of Israel, Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Trump still believes that crippling economic sanctions can force the IRI to bend and come to the negotiation table. The IRI neither want to go to war with the US and its allies nor want to surrender to Trump. But both sides are intensifying the tension with their provocative actions. In this context, the possibility of controlling sudden and accidental actions is diminished and an accident or error can lead to military conflict. On this basis, concerns and the risk of military conflict between the two countries and possibly a large-scale war in the region have sharply increased.

Within the past few years, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) ruled out the possibility of war. But the hostile policies of the IRI such as ; The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) missile tests, slogans on missiles against Israel, setting the time for Israel's destruction, military actions abroad and intervention in Syria, Yemen, Lebanon and Iraq impeded any progress to resolve disputes with the US government. Supreme Leader Khamenei, backed by IRGC and other power organs, prevented the opening of the political and economic relations with the outside world after JCPOA. At this point of time, again we are facing a precarious situation and danger of military conflict between the two countries.

The Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian) believes that the main cause of this dangerous situation is the destructive policies and practices of the IRI, especially its expansionist policy in the region. With its actions, the IRI has created a suitable atmosphere for international and regional threats, the US hegemonic government complicity with the reactionary countries in the region, excessive economic sanctions and military intervention against our country. We believe that military conflict between the two countries will result in devastating outcomes for our country and the region. To prevent a possible military conflict, both sides should stop threatening each other and start negotiations without preconditions. Withdrawing from JCPOA by the IRI could unite the European Union and the Trump government against the IRI and could lead the country to the brink of war in which the main victims would be the people of Iran. We emphasize on détente policy, going to the negotiation table to end the crippling sanctions and resole the discords and believe that the current situation could intensify the possibility of military conflict. In the current situation it is necessary for all the peace and freedom loving bodies to defend negotiations without preconditions to resolve disputes and ask the United Nations and other international organizations to intervene to stop more tensions and bring both sides to the negotiation table.

Political-Executive Bureau of the Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian)

May 14, 2019


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