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The Statement of six parties on the occasion of May 1st

The Statement of six parties on the occasion of May 1st


May Day is a symbolic day for workers around the world, and we, the signatories of this Declaration, congratulate all the workers, toilers and justice seekers of the world.

 Prior to 1890, the working conditions of workers in industrialized countries were extremely oppressive and inhumane. They had to work up to 12 hours a day and in some cases even up to 16 hours. In the 1880s, labor movements in the United States grew significantly, resulting in the formation of the American Federation of Six Trade Unions. In 1886, a number of workers were killed, imprisoned, and two were executed following mass demonstrations to reduce working hours to eight hours/day in major American cities, particularly in Chicago. The result of these struggles was the passage of the 8-hour labor law in many capitalist countries.

 In Iran, May Day began almost thirty years after it was declared as the International Workers' Day. In 1922 for the  first time Labor Day was widely celebrated by various institutions and groups in Iran. From then on, May Day was held with restrictions until the celebration of Labor Day was declared free during the reign of Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh as Prime Minister. Later, the decclaration of Labor Day as national holiday was established in 1990.

 In the Islamic Republic, trade unions became Islamic unions and despite the fact that Labor Day was recognized in the labor law, the government does not allow workers and their independent organizations to march in non-governmental celebrations and protests. Only government-affiliated Islamic organizations can hold rallies and marches in a controlled manner, and they also restrict public participation in such rallies by imposing restrictions.

 Living conditions and job security are not observed in the Islamic Republic: Lack of job and health security, fatal work place accidents and illness often lead to stop payment of wages. The wages of workers, especially "contract" workers, are so low that their families are generally under poverty lines and in deep misery. Unemployment is very common among young people, graduates, and especially women. In dealing with these problems, regime uses violence such as in November 2020 oppression of popular protests.

The economic situation has deteriorated terribly: the population below the poverty line is growing by leaps and bounds. According to official data, 26 million people are living below the poverty line. The price of medicine and housing has risen so much that it is beyond the reach of the common citizens. The price of civil services, fuel, water and electricity, the Internet and the elimination of the compatible foriegn  currency have led to a sharp rise in the prices of basic and food items. The continuation of US economic sanctions, in turn, has exacerbated the crisis, recession-inflation and declining macroeconomic indicators.

 The scope of the protests is growing every day: the corrupt  government of the Islamic Republic has shown in practice that it not only lacks a plan and solution to end the economic recession and curb inflation, create jobs and provide welfare for the people, but also is unable to decrease the damage on economy on a daily basis. Last year, protests by workers, teachers, nurses, retirees and other wage-earning groups broke the record of all post-revolutionary years, and intensifying repression could not stop the spread of workers' protests.

The toilers are calling for fundamental change: It is now clear that the repression and arrest of workers and trade union and civil society activists, as well as the country's conscious teachers by the Iranian  regime can no longer prevent people from continuing their struggle to fulfill their demands. The regime is unable to meet these demands. The realization of these demands requires fundamental changes in the structure of the government.

Freedom of independent trade unions guarantees the growth of democracy: We believe that the establishment of independent and free trade unions is the undeniable right of workers and other working classes in Iranian society. The creation of independent unions will not only help to assert the rights of workers and other sections of society, but it will also promote political struggles, change the atmosphere and democratize the country.

 The first day of May is an opportunity to show the solidarity of the workers and wage earners and the freedom fighters and their press supporters and the country's justice seekers. We support the workers' efforts to enjoy a humane life and social welfare.

 We, the signatories of this International Workers' Day statement, congratulate all the workers of the world and urge the fulfillment of the following demands:

-Unemployment and job seekers should be paid grants.

-Freedom of expression and strike should be recognized for all social groups.

-May first should be declared as an official holiday and no restrictions should be imposed on holding the May Day celebration.

-Eliminate any sex discrimination and injustice against migrant workers and women, especially Afghan workers in Iran.

-Imprisoned labor activists, including Ismail Bakhshi, Parvin Mohammadi, Sepideh Qalyan and Amir Amirgholi, as well as Alireza Saghafi, a trade unionist and member of the Writers' Association, should be released immediately and unconditionally.

-All political prisoners should be released immediately and unconditionally.

Last not Least, we believe that social justice for workers, toilers and other sections of society is not possible without the removal of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s regime and replacing it with a patiotic, just and democratic system.

Happy May Day, International Day of Workers and toilers.

April  30, 2022

Union of Republicans of Iran

Iran-Europe National Front (Sixth Organization)

Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian)

Social Democratic and Secular Party of Iran

Iranian National Front organizations abroad

Solidarity of Republicans of Iran

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