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We Support the People's Protests against Unbridled Rise in the Prices

We Support the People's Protests against Unbridled Rise in the Prices
We Protest Repression, Violence and Obstruction of Information

Statement by six Republican Organizations and Parties in Support of Protests over Soaring Food Prices 

The decision of the 13th government led by Ebrahim Ra'isi to eliminate the preferred exchange rate, reduce indirect subsidies and unleash the prices of some basic goods has led to a new round of protests against rampant inflation in a number of Iranian cities. This decision, implemented with the support of Ali Khamenei and other governing institutions, once again exposed the irresponsible and irrational behavior of the Islamic Republic in compensating for self-made deficits and dilemmas, and intensified pressure on society, especially the low-income, vulnerable and wage earners. A government, which came to power with slogans of "justice" and "eliminating deprivation" in a non-competitive election, is now pursuing what it calls "structural economic reform" and "subsidizing democratization," but is essentially trying to ease US economic sanctions, has reached into the pockets of the people and, by shrinking their livelihoods, seeks to perpetuate its pugnacious foreign policy.

Various dimensions of the self-contradiction of executive branch officials, uncertainty in the market and production-commercial enterprises, and many ambiguities show that Ra'isi’s government lacks a plan to solve the problem of the subsidy payment system, control inflation and proper supply of basic goods. The possible consequences of announcing and implementing the government's recent policy and the ambiguity in how to pay the new subsidies are events such as "creating economic shocks", "exacerbating existing economic misery" and "putting the country's economy on the verge of reaching the abyss of hyperinflation." Global experience and expert evaluations reflect the devastating consequences of sudden price liberalization in the form of so-called "shock therapy" policies. Such clumsy and desperate copying not only leads to further deterioration of the situation and pressure on the people, but also leads to severe destruction of the economic infrastructure and national capital, of which work force is the most important.

Economic surgery in Iran requires components such as "fundamental political change", "public trust", "detente with the West", "good relations with neighbors" and "active participation of experts and thinkers". The "Islamic Republic of Iran" does not have the necessary competence and legitimacy to implement these measures.

In recent days, protesters in the cities of Dezful, Andimeshk, Kermanshah, Izeh, Junqan, Khorramabad, Farsan, Boroujerd, Rasht, Neishabour, Dehdasht, Shahrekord, Yasuj, etc., took to the streets with a growing sense of responsibility and chanted and protested against this repressive policy, which is the cause of further poverty and deprivation. The protests are expected to spread to other cities in the coming weeks, especially as the effects of high inflation become more apparent.

The simultaneity of these spontaneous uprisings with the strong presence of youth and women with the nationwide protests of teachers can promise that the scattered and isolated protests will gradually become organized and coordinated and ultimately lead to a lasting change in the balance of power in favor of the nation.

Attributing protests and political slogans to "outsiders" and "dissident groups" by the regime and its propaganda apparatus is not credible even within the social base of the system. The main factor in creating the current unsettled conditions and setting the stage for mass protests is the destructive and ill-considered policies, actions, and decisions of regime’s officials.

We, the six Republican-Democratic organizations who emphasize non-violent transition from the Islamic Republic, believe that it is essential to support the demands of the protesters and to fully defend the right to protest, rally and strike by emphasizing public and common demands. We support the demotic protests and warn the regime’s officials to end repression, violence, internet outages, blocking of information, and denial of protesters' demands.

We also demand the immediate and unconditional release of those detained during the recent protests and all political, ideological, and trade union prisoners.


Political-Executive Boards of:

United Republicans of Iran

Iran National Front - Europe (Samane Sixth)

The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)

Social Democratic and Secular Republicans Party of Iran

Iranian National Front Organizations - Abroad

Union for Secular Republic and Human Rights in Iran (USRHR)

May 14, 202

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