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IRAN: View from the LEFT 29

IRAN: View from the LEFT 29

Word of the Month
War in Ukraine
A shift?
There are indications that the West is weighing  changes to their Ukrainian machinations.
Utilizing the West’s powerful media, they played Zelensky and his Ukrainian compatriots, fanning the flames of war rather than encouraging negotiations. Zelensky was invited to address many European parliaments, often broadcast to the whole world, and naively committed his country to pursue Ukrainian nationalists’ wildestdreams.
As the fighting rages on without any end in sight, though, its ramifications are unnerving stock markets and the West is having second thoughts.The whiff of a very painful territorial compromise may be in the air, ultimately dashing Ukrainian dreams...
The outcome cannot be predicted, but leaders of the rest of the world should be wary.
When the West encourages you to risk everything,look for their motives and aims!

View from the LEFT

March 2022 N0. 29


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