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Let Us Unite for Justice against the Ruling Criminals!

Let Us Unite for Justice against the Ruling Criminals!
In Support of the Litigation of the Families of the Victims!

May 31, 2022
On Friday, May 27, 2022, when a number of family members of the executed went to Khavaran, they saw that the regime of the Islamic Republic, in continuation of the conspiracies of the past decades, this time had built prefabricated concrete walls around Khavaran and installed closed circuit cameras on them. Although the process of destroying Khavaran and attacking bereaved families has continued unabated for decades, such actions have intensified with the widespread revelation of the crimes of the leaders of the Islamic Republic and the arrest and trial of Hamid Nouri in Stockholm, Sweden. This criminal and retaliatory act of the regime is in fact a desperate reaction out of desperation to the trial of one of the perpetrators of this horrific crime, its reflection in the public opinion of the world and the fear of forming similar courts in the future for others involved in these crimes, including the murderous president, Ibrahim Raisi.

More than forty years have passed since the brutal and bloody massacre of the 1980s and 34 years since the massacre of thousands of political prisoners in 1988 by order of Khomeini. During this period, political organizations and parties, democratic organizations, human rights activists inside and outside the country, and above all, the courageous families of the victims, under the harsh repression of the regime, have not allowed these unprecedented crimes to be forgotten and have tirelessly spared no effort to achieve the truth and administration of justice. The Islamic Republic, first by silence and intimidation and then by justification and denial, has tried to shamelessly erase the face of the issue, and at the same time by creating an atmosphere of fear, threatening, arresting, and harassing families has sought to obstruct their presence in Khavaran and erase its horrific crime from the memories. To achieve this goal, the leaders of the regime have even destroyed Khavaran several times in order to erase the traces of their crimes against humanity. But the voice of the families of the martyrs and all the freedom-loving and justice-seeking human beings has gradually passed through the walls of Khavaran and has reached the ears of the Iranian people. Many people around the world have now heard the news of the crimes of the Islamic Republic and show solidarity and sympathy with the people of Iran and the families of the victims.

The horrific crime of brutally killing of thousands of captives over few weeks is not something that the regime can erase from the history and memory of the Iranian people by building a concrete wall and denying its reality. Building the wall by itself, contrary to the expectations of the ruling criminals, is another proof of this crime. In connection with the new attack on Khavaran, families of the victims inside and outside the country have protested against this conspiracy and have reiterated their humanitarian demands. They have been asking for years “why did you execute our loved ones?” “For what crime were they hanged after being sentenced to prison?” “Where is their burial place?” These are questions that families have always asked the tyrannical rulers of the Islamic Republic, declaring that they stand with all their might and will not take a step back until the truth is achieved and justice is served.

In an effort to prosecute the criminals for the killing of political prisoners, the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) once again expresses its solidarity with the families of the victims. The Islamic Republic should not be allowed to carry out its conspiracies in silence in order to forget the crimes of the past four decades. We consider ourselves part of the large family of plaintiffs, and together with the families of the victims of the path to freedom, we will continue to fight to achieve the truth, and we will not allow the murder of our fellow martyrs to go unpunished. We support every step that is taken towards the administration of justice and every effort that is made in this regard, and we try to make the voices of the plaintiffs more resonant to achieve the truth. Our party is trying to make the voice of national litigation against the ruling criminals more resonant. It is too late, and it is not far off that the wave of popular protests against the tyranny of the Islamic Republic, which has taken to the streets in various cities, will continue to bury the Islamic Republic forever.

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)
May 31, 2022

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