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Open Letter to the Parliament and Government of Belgium

Open Letter to the Parliament and Government of Belgium
"Extradition of Criminals" Bill Should not Lead to the Release of State Terrorists of the Islamic Republic!

 Open Letter to the Parliament and Government of Belgium PDF


 Open Letter to the Parliament and Government of Belgium:
"Extradition of Criminals" Bill Should not Lead to the Release of State Terrorists of the Islamic Republic!

His Excellency the Prime Minister of Belgium Mr Alexander De Croo,

Concerning the "extradition bill" in your country, and the fact that the scope of this law is not exactly clear, the expectation of the Iranian opposition living in Europe is to clarify that this law will not apply to state terrorists, including Asadullah Asadi, the terrorist diplomat of the Islamic Republic and his three accomplices who planned to bomb the gathering of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) in Paris.
As human rights defenders, including Amnesty International, have rightly emphasized, it is necessary for your resolution to provide sufficient judicial guarantees, so as not to give immunity to officials who have committed terrorist acts and also, those who have been recognized as criminals according to the international laws cannot be included in this bill.
The terrorist act of Asadullah Asadi, the third secretary of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Vienna and his accomplices in Belgium, was foiled with the joint cooperation of the foreign security organizations of Germany, France, Belgium and Luxembourg, and they are now in prison in your country. Their extradition to Iran means granting immunity to the terrorists of the Islamic Republic in Europe and to the detriment of the security of the opponents of the Islamic Republic in Europe and European citizens.
It is necessary to emphasize that any delay in the commitment of the European governments to punish the agents of the ruling regime in Iran, who have intended to assassinate and suppress the opposition in European soil, will increase the threat against the opponents of the Islamic Republic and alleviate the security of European citizens.
In the letter we sent to you last year in this regard, it was emphasized that the determination of the Mykonos court in Germany against the state terrorism of the Islamic Republic in Europe was an important factor in curbing terrorist acts in Europe for some time. We hope that the decision of the legislators and judicial authorities of your country will not make this barrier ineffective and that the release of Asadullah Asadi, the terrorist diplomat of the Islamic Republic and his accomplices will not encourage similar actions. The approval and implementation of this bill means giving a unilateral privilege to the Islamic Republic, so that from now on it can assassinate opponents in European countries without fear of punishment.
Although this bill is binding for the Belgian government, it does not create any guarantee for compliance by the Islamic Republic. The Islamic Republic does not respect accepted agreements, let alone the laws of other countries.
Most importantly, if a criminal act in European laws, is considered a crime by the Islamic Republic, then perhaps the approval of this bill is understandable, but an action that is recognized as a crime by the Belgian government is not only a crime in the Islamic Republic, but in fact it is appreciated!

Yours sincerely.
Roza Roozbehan - Mehdi Ebrahimzadeh
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian)
July 06, 2022

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