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Let's respond to the security forces' attack on the university with the continuation of the students’ strikes and rallies!

Let's respond to the security forces' attack on the university with the continuation of the students’ strikes and rallies!

Iran is in the midst of history-making developments. In the last two weeks, more than one hundred cities of Iran witnessed popular protests against the entirety of the Islamic Republic’s regime. In addition, citizens of more than 150 cities around the world and a large number of artists, intellectuals and scholars from every corner of the globe have expressed their support for the Iranian people and their protests.

In these protests, the significant role of the university students is obvious. The protest against the killing of Mahsa Amini in front of Kasra Hospital, the general strike and rallies in Kurdistan province, followed by the gathering of students in universities, ignited protests in more than hundred cities in Iran. The strike of students in different universities and the support of some university professors also gave new life to different social strata in continuation of the protests. In addition, the university has played a special role in preserving and expanding the progressive aspects of the "Women, Life, Freedom" movement, as well as shouting the most innovative and advanced slogans.

This same historical capacity of University has led the repression apparatus to apply the most severe forms of oppression against this entity and its progressive students. Since the beginning of protests in universities, several hundred students have been arrested. The security forces in several cities of the country have also raided the dormitories to arrest students. On, October 2nd, a great tragedy has occurred: according to the reports and images available from several major universities in the country, including Tehran, Isfahan, and Tabriz Universities, security forces and special units have attacked the striking students. There are news of shooting and arresting a large number of protesting students. This is despite the fact that even the laws of the Islamic Republic prohibit the entry of police and armed forces into the university environment. The exact number of casualties and arrests is not clear at the moment. The events of recent days, in universities are reminiscent of several shameful events in which University students were attacked and murdered by government forces. Those events have been recorded in history as signs of the Islamic Republic's aggression and the boundless oppression and violence of the government against its people.

The Youth Committee of the left party of Iran (People’s Fadaian), while condemning this tragedy, considers itself shoulder to shoulder with our University students. In this regard, we are requesting that the international human rights institutions condemn the attack on the country's universities in any way possible and to support the arrested students. In addition, we believe that the continuation of strikes in universities, and the accompaniment of university professors and faculty members with these strikes, and its gradual expansion, along with student rallies, will play an important role in the promotion and continuation of the current movement. University is the pulse of the street and the continuation of its strike can be the basis for strikes in other sectors as well.

Furthermore, in solidarity with the struggle of the University students and the "Woman, Life, Freedom" movement, we request the prestigious universities of the world, student organizations and academic institutions, to condemn the tragedies of recent days, to join in with the people of Iran and in solidarity with the protests of the universities. We ask you to use every single possibility to prevent the oppressive and anti-science government of the Islamic Republic from crashing the struggle and resistance in universities without paying hefty prices.

October 1, 2022

The Youth Committee of the Left party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)


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