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An open letter to the Prime Minister of Canada

An open letter to the Prime Minister of Canada
Honorable Prime Minister of Canada, Mr. Justin Trudeau

As you know, the national movement that has been formed in Iran over the murder of Mehsa (Gina) Amini and has been going on for more than three weeks has changed the face of our country. It has shaken the pillars of power of the Islamic Republic and aroused the widest global support. The women of our country, during the 44 years of continuous struggle against the government, have stirred up the international stage with their presence and aroused the widest global solidarity.
However, since the very first day, the Islamic Republic has been trying with all its demonic powers to spread death on the society again this time with repression, murder, lies, threats, arrests and prisons. However, the "Women, Life, Freedom" movement has such dimensions and originates from such a force that it is no longer possible to contain it even for a murderous and autocratic regime like the Islamic Republic.
The will that has brought this movement to the field is so determined and persistent in its goal to enjoy a life in freedom and security that no threat or repression will stop it. By killing teenagers who no longer want to live under pressure and oppression, the regime will not be able to allow the continuation of oppression and coercion that has been passed on to many generations in Iran and the new generation will not tolerate it. This movement has targeted the main pillar of the religious tyranny of the Islamic Republic and is going to destroy its foundation.
Last Friday on Oct 08, you announced new sanctions against Islamic Republic of Iran, including those 10,000 members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps will be banned from entering Canada. You also announced that your government is developing sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran.
You are right that one of the reasons for imposing these sanctions is to support and protect the Iranian-Canadian community of this country.
As you know, banning the entry of officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps into Canada and staying in this country has been one of the main demands of Iranians living in Canada in recent years. We welcome your new initiative, but we believe that this action is necessary but not sufficient.

We want the Canadian government to
• Condemn the threatening the victims' families with false confessions;
• Make any agreements and negotiations with the Islamic Republic of Iran in international forums subject to the observance of human rights in dealing with protesters;
• Demand the possibility of UN special rapporteurs and especially the special rapporteur of human rights in Iran visiting prisons and obtaining information about the fate of thousands of detainees in recent days;
• Support the request for the formation of an investigation commission on the murder of Mehsa  Amini, Nika Shakrami and other young victims were killed by Iranian government;
• Condemn the disruption of the Internet and social networks by the institutions of the Islamic Republic and provide the possibility for the Iranian people to access the free Internet;
•  Cancel the residence visas of the dependents of the Iranian government who live in this country with the justification of economic activity and basically to spy on civil and political activists;

Cooperation Center of Iranian Kurdistan’s Political Parties –Canada
The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) –Canada
Council for National Protests Abroad-Canada
Oct 10, 2022

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