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We Welcome the Formation of an Independent Fact-Finding Commission!

We Welcome the Formation of an Independent Fact-Finding Commission!

November 26, 2022
The UN Human Rights Council took a major step in dealing with human rights violations in Iran by approving the formation of a fact-finding commission in its emergency meeting on Thursday, November 24, 2022. In the resolution approved by the UN Human Rights Council, which was proposed by Germany and Iceland and passed with 25 votes in favor, 6 votes against and 14 abstentions, the Human Rights Council is required to form an independent fact-finding commission to investigate cases of human rights violations by the regime of the Islamic Republic during the recent nationwide protests. The approved resolution also expressed concern about the reports of arbitrary detention of women and girls and their torture and sexual abuse, emphasizing the need to end continuous discrimination against women and respect the fundamental rights of the Iranian people and hold human rights violators accountable.

Volker Turk, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, at the same meeting, asked the regime of the Islamic Republic to immediately end the bloody repression of the demonstrators and make it possible for him to travel to Tehran.

The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) welcomes the formation of a fact-finding commission by the United Nations Human Rights Council and considers this action a major step in identifying and prosecuting criminals and oppressors of the Iranian people. We consider the reaction of this council to the ferocious violation of human rights in Iran, trampling of the fundamental freedoms of the Iranian people, shooting of people in the streets and killing of more than four hundred people, many of which are children, in the last three months and arrest of more than 18 thousand a responsible action. We support the investigation in this case and the trial of the leaders and perpetrators of these crimes.

We emphasize the immediate release of detainees and political prisoners. We consider the revolutionary movement "Women, Life, Freedom" to be the beginning of the end of the Islamic Republic and its dark rule over our country.

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)
November 26, 2022

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