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Chemical Attacks on Schoolgirls are the Continuation of the Murder of Mahsa (Zhina) Amini!

Chemical Attacks on Schoolgirls are the Continuation of the Murder of Mahsa (Zhina) Amini!
We Support the Protest of Families Against Chemical Attacks!

March 1, 2023
The chemical attacks on female students, which started a while ago in the city of Qom and spread to 15 cities, continued today with the criminal attack on the Khayyam school in Pardis. During these criminal and reactionary serial attacks, more than 800 innocent schoolgirls were poisoned, injured and hospitalized, and an 11-year-old girl living in Qom, named Fatemeh Rezaei, died.

In some reports related to chemical attacks, it has been said that the damage caused to the targeted students is not temporary and can leave lasting negative effects on their health. According to the Chairman of the Parliament's Education Commission, based on the tests, it was found that N2 (Nitrogen) gas was present in the poison released in schools.

While the judicial authorities in charge of the case talk about the ineffectiveness of their investigations to find the terrorists and they freely commit new crimes every day, the focus of chemical attacks on girls' schools is rooted in the views of the Taliban who want to create fear and terror with these poisonings so that the family prevent their daughters from studying. How is it that the security and law enforcement agencies, which identify and arrest every action of opponents and critics, have not been able to identify the perpetrators of chemical attacks or get any clues about them during this period.

All the evidence and the lack of identifying and arresting the terrorists and the statements of the first deputy of the judiciary, who called the investigation inconclusive, show that the regime is not very persistent in this issue. The records of the regime in similar crimes such as throwing acid on women's faces in Isfahan, denying them and not arresting the terrorists despite the protests of the families and public anger and disgust towards the perpetrators of the crime, is nothing but a sign of enmity with the “Women, Life, Freedom” movement. The perpetrators of the poisoning of schoolgirls are not only unknown to the security institutions and the judiciary, but it is strongly suspected that they have a mission to take revenge on the schoolgirls because of their presence and activity in the “Women, Life, Freedom” movement and by creating terror among them to prevent them from continuing to support the revolutionary movement.

The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) strongly condemned the chemical attacks by Islamic terrorists on schoolgirls, which have killed one student and poisoned hundreds of them so far and the procrastination of the security and regime institutions. We demand the arrest, trial and punishment of the perpetrators. We believe that one of the effective ways to end these actions is the protest of the students' families and the general public's support of them.

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)
March 1, 2023

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