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IRAN: View from the LEFT 39

IRAN: View from the LEFT 39

Word of the Month;


Earlier this month Iran agreed to allow the IAEA to re-establish certain transparency measures at select nuclear sites. Moreover, this comes on top of the Saudi/Iranian deal to re-establish diplomatic relations. Together, these two welcome events can be expected to decrease tensions in the Middle East.

Both events show a certain bending of foreign policy by Iran. Considering the Islamic  Republic's obstinate resistance to change, these moves are likely to be a reaction, at least in part, to the sharp internal pressures and contradictions arising from Iran's 'Woman, Life, Freedom' movement over the past 6 months. In addition to internal tensions, the Islamic Republic is under intense pressures from the US and Israeli as well as from blunders of their own making. These factors indicate the power of internal movements and the type of pressure  instrumental for change in Iran under the mullahs.

IRAN: View from the LEFT 39

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