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Stopping the Execution and Confronting the Ruling Criminals is not Possible without People’s Mass Confrontation!

Stopping the Execution and Confronting the Ruling Criminals is not Possible without People’s Mass Confrontation!

The Islamic Republic frantically issues and executes death sentences. On Monday, May 8, 2023, the bloody hands of the judiciary took the lives of two social media activists. Yusuf Mehrdad and Sadrollah Fazeli Zare were hanged on the charge of having a belief other than that of the reactionary rulers and the promoters of religious superstition, with the charge of "insulting the holy believes of Islam" and "Sab al-Nabi" (insulting the Prophet of Islam). A few days ago, 20 Baloch compatriots were executed because of revenge against the Baloch people, who have been resisting the invasion of the corrupt rulers for a long time. Last Saturday morning, the 6th of May, they executed Habib Farajollah Chaab, known as "Habib Asiod", on the charge of "corruption on the land". Dozens of people are still on death row by the executioners of the regime.

Since the day after the 1979 revolution, the Islamic Republic has praised death and has been fed with death and extinction due to its deeply reactionary thinking, whether it was when it had the people behind it or today when it has them in front of it and as a result of the continuation and high number of crimes, it holds the record for execution of citizens of its own country in the world. In the early years, execution was carried out from a position of power, but today, from a position of weakness. Yesterday it was killing for revenge, today mainly for intimidation. In the early years of its rule, it relied on assassinations, but today it is afraid of the people and starts killing to prevent their rebellion. What has not changed during these forty some years is the interest and greed of the Islamic Republic to take human lives.

During the years of its shameful rule, the Islamic Republic has shown that it does not understand any language except the language of force. On the other hand, although there are countless forces against the death penalty in the Islamic Republic, their voices are not united. The Islamic Republic has slaughtered everyone one by one. Without any excuse, these forces are obliged to end their dispersion and appear hand in hand and with strength in front of the Islamic Republic. It is not possible to be against the death penalty, but for false reasons, refuse to work together to fight the death penalty. We can put an end to the regime's executions before these reactionaries are dismantled, provided that our voices are united against the killing. Pushing back the criminal rulers is not possible except with joint work, except with the solidarity of freedom lovers inside and outside. Our party declares its readiness to create a full-fledged campaign against the death penalty and requests the political organizations that defend freedom to stop the strictures of the past in order to push back the regime and act unitedly against the criminals who threaten the lives of the people of Iran.

Iran's left party (People’s Fadaian) believes that execution is not a blowhole, but a well that has opened its mouth against the regime and will swallow the totality of this autocratic and murderous system. We ask the political organizations and civil institutions and defenders of human rights, by creating a joint campaign against execution, to force the Islamic Republic to retreat from its execution policy. This regime will go eventually, but the thicker its criminal case becomes, the more severe punishments it will face. Today, there is no excuse for the freedom loving forces to refuse working together. People will judge harshly those who fail to fulfill this human duty for any reason.

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)

May 9, 2023

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