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In support of the Students of the University of Arts

In support of the Students of the University of Arts
Students: "We Have Nothing to Say to You Except one Word: "NO"

June 20, 2023

A group of students of the University of Arts protested against the "required presence with a wimple" in the university and issued a statement announcing that they stand "hand in hand" against the reactionary policies of the Islamic Republic and wrote to the university officials: "After your re-emphasis on sexist apartheid and the requirement to attend university with a wimple, after shutting off the water and violence against our friends who sat in the National Garden campus only for equality, we emphasize again that nothing will go back." The students added that "between us and you there is a sea of blood, we, who have been "WE" for almost a year now, have nothing to say to you except one word: NO."

This "NO" of the students of the University of Arts is the big "NO" of our society to the rule of force and oppression of the Islamic Republic. One of the great achievements of the “Women, Life, Freedom” is defying the compulsory hijab in the public arena of society. The leaders of the Islamic Republic, who dream of returning to the days before the revolutionary movement of August 2022 and are still trying to re-impose the mandatory hijab, by sealing restaurants and business centers, putting pressure on women in the streets and harassing them in public transport are chasing wild goose. By threatening, extorting, expulsion and suspending students, the regime is trying to suppress the student movement, which was one of the bases of resistance against the regime's oppression, and to re-impose the compulsory hijab in universities.

The response of the University of Arts students to the regime is as clear as the response of students across the country. There will be no turning back. Now, students of dozens of universities across the country, as well as graduates of the same university, have expressed their solidarity with the students of the University of Arts and emphasized that "nothing goes back. The will of this "WE" has become greater than the strength of its enemies. Students stands hand in hand for freedom, wherever it is needed, they raise the flag of petition and demand for their rights, they become more steadfast in the face of obstacles and with a firmer determination march to reach the goal.”

Disgusted by the reactionary policies of the Islamic Republic and concordant with the declaration of solidarity of the students of universities across the country, the Left Party of Iran supports the struggles of the students of the University of Arts in defense of the achievements of the “Women, Life, Freedom” movement. We invite all freedom-loving and fighting forces to support the students' struggles to push back the regime from the universities and return security and freedom to the classrooms and universities. The goal of the Islamic Republic is to crush the revolutionary movement of the people and to crush the student movement as one of the strength points of the “Women, Life, Freedom” movement. A goal that should be buried with the Islamic Republic itself.

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
June 20, 2023

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