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To the "Women, Life, Freedom" Congress of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) on June 2, 2023 in Frankfurt.

To the "Women, Life, Freedom" Congress of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) on June 2, 2023 in Frankfurt.

Dear friends

On September 16, 2022, Gina Mehsa Amini passed away. Her death shook not only Iran but the world. This day is not only a reminder of this crime but also it is a sign of the beginning of the uprising of the Iranian people.

The importance of this movement goes far beyond the region and sets standards for the entire Middle East. The world can learn from the unbreakable link between revolution and women's liberation in this movement!

This movement has the most support not only in the European Parliament but also in the European civil society. We will not stop supporting this movement for even one day!

Dear comrades, I am honored to be in your company today. First of all, I would like to thank you for your close and reliable cooperation. You are a very important pillar of Iran's left politics and I am proud of you.

I have been contacted as the head of the delegation of the European Union and Iran. Although this panel is very small, we have a long history of working closely with other panels and committees, such as the Foreign Relations Committee and the Human Rights Committee. Now there is a group of European Parliament representatives who are actively participating in discussions related to Iran. Cross-party and non-partisan cooperation is the key to success, even if it gets on your nerves at times. I work hand in hand with Ernst Ortasson, the Iran reporter, and also with Roberta Metsula, the President of the European Parliament. We are in close contact with the relevant think tanks and there is a reliable contact with the Foreign Service.

In April 2023, in a powerful feat, it became possible to welcome the most diverse representatives of the diaspora around a table in the European Parliament, without the presence of Reza Pahlavi. We made sure to involve your coalition in this process.

Our goal in the European Parliament is to provide the conditions and a platform in which different forces of the Iranian opposition can exchange ideas to present proposals for the future of Iran. In regards to the problems related to the topic and relevant concrete proposals, such as ways to secure Internet channels or financial possibilities of the EU budget, we want to form a delegation with representatives from abroad and the internal opposition of Iran.

Let me mention a few points that are particularly important to me:

1. We must do anything possible to make sure that Iranian opposition forces are truly heard; The notion of one side of the opposition ordering others is wrong. This is the only way to create proposals for the future of Iran that can win the majority.

The European Parliament can be a suitable platform for this but it cannot act as an arbiter. The future of Iran is in the hands of Iranians and no one else.

2. All parties must understand that the future of Iran cannot be imported from outside. Your country is the best example of how foreign intervention does more harm than good. The revolution is not imported. I say this clearly from the German experience. The peaceful revolution in East Germany, the German Democratic Republic, was the work of the people there and could only succeed because of them. The path to reunification that was later controlled from Bonn was not the best path, but one that largely ignored the experiences of East German citizens. We should learn from such experiences.

3. As a result, we must strengthen Iran's internal opposition with all its diversity and promote networking and exchanging of ideas. Religious and ethnic minorities, workers, trade unions, LGBTIQ groups, environmental activists, and women must have their voices heard now and in the future. If we look at the region, Iranian women are among the highly educated. They are a significant part of the educated class of Iranian society. This is a gem you can't let go of! And a democratic and free Iran will not exist without the freedom of women! It is unique that in Iran women's protest is supported by many men. Men and women in equality and equal rights is the key to life with human dignity!

4. Dear comrades, we have to find a smart way to deal with the Tehran regime. This is an inhuman and extremely professional regime. The Islamic Republic has decades of experience with sanctions and is well connected with other regimes such as Russia and increasingly with China. Therefore, it is right to impose targeted sanctions against its perpetrators. Starting war with Iran is not an option but at the same time, we must ask which sanctions are literally reasonable and which end up only hurting the population, such as the Trump administration's unilateral sanctions which are not lifted yet. Trump's exit from the JCPOA ultimately contributed to Raisi’s rise to power and further aggravation of the situation in Iran. We on the left reject such a policy. It is equally wrong to cut off all relations with Iran. If all the doors are closed, we won't have a single entry point even with the JCPOA, let alone fight for people who are in prison and facing the death penalty. As you know, there is a good tradition in the German Bundestag to support people who are threatened with death. It is important to fight for every single human’s life with open doors. Otherwise, we will fail. And you must have read that there was an exchange of prisoners. I would like the German government to significantly support the German-Iranian prisoners. I personally have experienced their family’s frustration time and time again lately. And I feel for each and every one of them. In addition, those who are really honest in the EU make it easier to accept Iranian refugees in Europe. This is what the left in Europe is striving for.

5. We must support any de-escalation of tensions in the Middle East. It is good that Iran and Saudi Arabia are starting a new chapter in their relations. In general, I see a real opportunity for de-escalation in the Middle East and the development of regional cooperation. This is also a question of war or peace because the region is a gunpowder storehouse. Regardless, I am convinced that a peaceful and prosperous future for the region requires strong and independent intra-regional cooperation. This should happen on the site. In Europe, we had a conference called the Conference on Security and Cooperation, which was established in 1973 in Helsinki. This was the beginning of a new stage in relations in Europe. The Middle East will need something similar in the future. We need to talk about it too.
Dear friends

I am glad to be here with you. As a leftist, I say: you are our sister party, we relate to you deeply. Iran has always fascinated me personally, more because I am a history teacher and I admire your great culture and history. When I stood in Isfahan and saw important cultural works, I was impressed because I had this dream for a long time. Your country is a treasure to be protected, nature and society have infinite powers. Let me end with a thought:

Many of you have been separated from your country for a long time, living on all continents, entire generations of refugees from the Shah's regime, the Islamic Republic. Many of you have lost loved ones to the regime's attacks, but at the same time, you are not disappointed. And yet your connection with the country of your fathers, mothers, and relatives is not severed. This is extremely important. You will rightfully be a part of the changes that can no longer be prevented. No one knows better than you that the future of a country cannot be developed with bitterness and hatred, but only with hope and love.

Hug in the name of many!
In the name of our friendship, I will shake your hand!

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