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Arrest, Imprisonment and Execution Will not Prevent the Explosion of People's Anger Against the Islamic Republic!

Arrest, Imprisonment and Execution Will not Prevent the Explosion of People's Anger Against the Islamic Republic!
Joint Struggle to Stop Executions and Release Political Prisoners is the Urgent Task of the Moment

Tomaj Salehi, the protesting singer who has been under torture for more than eight months, is facing severe punishment, including execution. Also, the death sentence of Abbas Dris, one of the detainees of the November 2019 protests, has been confirmed by the Supreme Court. Mojahed Korkur received a death sentence by filing a case for a murder he did not commit. Two suspects of the attack on Shahcheragh were executed in public this morning. By issuing these decrees, the Islamic Republic is trying to create terror in the society and take revenge on the risen people of our country.

In prisons, new cases are made against political prisoners. Maryam Akbari Monfared, after 13 years in prison, with 18 months left of her sentence, is facing a new case; Sepideh Qolian has been summoned to the court again while in prison. Golrokh Iraei, while incarcerated in prison, has been sentenced to another 5 years in prison by filing a new case against her. Davood Razavi and Nasrollah Fallahi, two of the imprisoned labor activists, are denied medical care despite their poor health. The prisons of the Islamic Republic have always been the shambles of political and civil activists. According to the report of Amnesty International, since 2010, at least seventy-two people have been killed in various prisons, under torture and during imprisonment.

Outside the prison, the pressure on civil and political activists has increased. A number of Clubhouse social network activists have been arrested during security forces raids on their homes. Universities are still in turmoil and protest. Protesting students are facing suspension and exclusion from education. Attacks on dissidents and minorities have increased. 14 Baha'i compatriots in Qaem Shahr, Sari and Babolsar have been sentenced to a total of 31 years in prison.

Issuing death sentences, summoning and arresting political and civil activists, pressure on union activists and dissidents, shows that the Islamic Republic is worried about its future and is afraid of a new wave of the revolutionary movement of "Women, Life, Freedom". The regime is struggling to restore calmness in the country by intensifying the repression. But with every step it takes, it sows the wind and reaps the whirlwind. No arrests, prisons and executions will protect the regime from the re-explosion of people's anger.

The Left Party of Iran supports the campaign for the immediate and unconditional release of Tomaj Salehi and all political prisoners and prisoners of conscience and condemns the regime's attempt to silence Tomaj Salehi's voice. Death sentences against protesters should be stopped and political prisoners should be set free. We invite political and civil forces to join the fight against executions and for the release of political prisoners.

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
July 8, 2023

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