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“NO” to the Admittance of Hashd al-Shaabi Mercenaries into the Iranian Universities!

“NO” to the Admittance of Hashd al-Shaabi Mercenaries into the Iranian Universities!
Getting Help from Foreign Mercenaries to Suppress the Student Movement is a Sign of the Failure of the Regime's Repression Policy!

July 16, 2023

Following the announcement of the acceptance of members of the Iraqi Hashd al-Shaabi, the mercenary paramilitary force of the regime, in Iranian universities, student groups have so far expressed their opposition to the presence of this paramilitary group affiliated to the Islamic regime by issuing statements. In their statement, a group of Tehran University students rightly called the acceptance of Hashd al-Shaabi as an attack on universities. The freedom-loving students' association of the Polytechnic university has called the purpose of accepting Hashd al-Shaabi members a new war to suppress the protest of students and the regime's last efforts to show power.

Considering the history of the Hashd al-Shaabi militia group and its relations with the regime, it is certain that bringing members of this mercenary group to the university is not for studying, but it is aimed at suppressing the student movement.

The fear and apprehension of the fall and collapse of the regime can be seen most of all in Khamenei's short and frequent speeches. Also, the threat to the opponents by Salami, the Commander-in-Chief of the IRGC after Khamenei's last speech, which promised to crush the regime's opponents, shows the failure of the regime's suppression policy, the movement's steadfastness in its libertarian goals, along with the spread of civil disobedience in the society, the exhaustion of the security and law enforcement forces and the growing isolation of the regime even among its limited base. The regime is trying to use the Iraqi militia mercenaries under its support to continue suppressing the people.

Despite the increase of people's disgust with the Islamic Republic, Khamenei is trying, even with the help of his mercenaries in the region, to maintain his control over the country and save the Islamic regime from falling and collapsing.

The Left Party of Iran rejects the regime's use of Hashd al-Shaabi paramilitary mercenaries to suppress the student movement. We, along with the student organizations that have opposed Hashd al-Shaabi's admittance into universities under the title of student, declare our support for the actions taken by the students in this regard. We also invite the general libertarians who defend the student movement and the "Women, Life, Freedom" movement to accompany and support the libertarian actions of students in universities!

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
July 16, 2023

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