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The Islamic Republic is Responsible for the Life of Armita Geravand!

The Islamic Republic is Responsible for the Life of Armita Geravand!

October 6, 2023

On Sunday morning, October 1, when Armita Geravand boarded the subway with some of her classmates without a headscarf, after a few moments, her unconscious body was taken out of the subway car and taken to a hospital. Regarding its cause, two narratives have been publicized at the level of public opinion. The first narrative is fabricated by the regime. According to this narrative, Armita fainted due to blood pressure drop. But many people have a different story. They say: Armita was assaulted in the train car by a female hijab guard of the Islamic Republic, and she fainted due to her head hitting the bars of the subway car. With her transfer to the hospital, contact of the media, people and even the family with her is cut off and information is published by the security authorities in a stereotyped and ordered manner.

If we close our eyes to all the conspiratorial and deceptive actions of the regime, the Islamic Republic is also condemned in this case, and its narrative is basically not acceptable in any neutral authority. According to the published news, Armita has been transferred to Fajr Hospital under the control of security authorities and it is impossible to get information about her through the hospital. Her contact with her family is quite unusual. In an interview with the media, her father stated that he was unaware of Armita's condition. Armita's mother was prevented from visiting her and she was detained for some time. The Shargh reporter, who had obtained a trace from the hospital in the first moments, was immediately arrested and released after being threatened. Her treating doctor has not informed the public so far. Her classmates and companions in the subway have been forced to keep silent by threats and intimidation. If the regime's narrative is true, what are these secrets for? Isn't the ignorance of the parents about their comatose daughter in the hospital suspicious? Which parent in the world does not want to know about the health status of their child while she is in a coma?

The fact is that there is no free information in the Islamic Republic. This is one of the reasons that rightfully puts the Islamic Republic as an accused in the minds of the people. In this painful story, the regime's behavior all shows the lies and conspiracy of the regime's repression apparatus. In these few days, many activists of the Mahsa-Zhina Amini movement have been summoned and they have made a commitment not to publicize any news about Armita, and they have been threatened that if they do otherwise, they will be arrested immediately. They have treated her teachers and classmates in the same way. The regime, afraid of the revolutionary movement "Women, Life, Freedom", is thinking about the possible consequences of this tragedy and is trying to prevent its news from being publicized in the media as much as possible.

The regime of the Islamic Republic has ruled with lies and deception for forty years. For this reason, people rightly do not trust the news and information published by the Islamic Republic. It is true that today's mandatory hijab has been rejected not only in the minds of the people but also in the streets by many women, but the regime will not stop its desperate efforts. Even the withdrawal of the regime in the field of hijab seems inevitable due to the spread of protests and courageous and egalitarian struggles of women and men against the compulsory hijab in the style of the Islamic Republic.

The left party of Iran considers the Islamic Republic responsible for the life of Armita Geravand. Forging the events leading to Armita's unconsciousness is a sign of the regime's fear of the people's pent-up anger, which can be exploded by any incident. Riddance of people who are angry with injustice and tyranny of the Islamic Republic is only possible with collective will of everyone and continuous resistance against the criminal actions of this regime. If we all do not stand against this brutal regime today, the next victim will be another child of the people like Armita.

The Islamic Republic will be gone and the Armitas are the continuation of life. Armita's recovery is our wish, and we hope that she will come back to life.

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
October 6, 2023

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