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January 2020

Against Persistence of Trump and Khamenei’s Dangerous Escapades!

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The risk of resorting to adventurous tactics by both sides is far more than their reassurance of avoiding war. These tactics could often lead to a war that could result in human casualties and terrible destruction. Our country and the civilized world do not need a war

L'Assassinat de Ghassem Suleimani en Irak,

Conseil politico-exécutif du Parti de la gauche iranienne
Nous invitons les parties à négocier et à régler leurs différends autour de la table de négociation. La poursuite de la tendance actuelle peut rendre la situation en Irak plus instable et rendre plus vulnérable le mouvement du peuple irakien pour un changement de la situation actuelle.

Qasem Soleimani’s Assassination in Iraq,

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The current trend can cause a more volatile situation in Iraq and can cause the Iraqi people struggle in changing the current situation confront serious difficulties. We believe that the solution in Iraq to achieve stability and progress, is the withdrawal of foreign governments from Iraq and to respect the national rights of the Iraqi people who themselves, can determine their own destiny.