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Against Persistence of Trump and Khamenei’s Dangerous Escapades!

Against Persistence of Trump and Khamenei’s Dangerous Escapades!

Against Persistence of Trump and Khamenei’s Dangerous Escapades!

January 8, 2020

The risk of resorting to adventurous tactics by both sides is far more than their reassurance of avoiding war. These tactics could often lead to a war that could result in human casualties and terrible destruction. Our country and the civilized world do not need a war. Let us resonate our voice of "We do not want war!" across Iran the world!

Noble People of Iran!

Peaceful and Freedom-Loving Forces!

In the early hours of Wednesday January 8, 2020, the news of firing rocket at the “Ain al-Asad” air base, one of the main headquarters of the US forces in Iraq, then another firing rocket at another base in Erbil, by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in revenge of the assassination of Qasem Soleimani was announced. News indicate that none of the attacks led to human casualties of the US forces.

The IRGC missile attacks which were conducted immediately after the end of three days of the Islamic Republic (IR) mourning for Qasem Soleimani, is equally irresponsible and flagrant violation of the international laws and must be condemned as the assassination of Qassem Soleimani by the US forces in Iraq. Both Trump and the IR, by violating sovereignty of Iraq have made this country as a field of fire exchange between themselves.

After this action, the leaders of the IR spoke of the promised revenge and the US officials bragged about their power. Now, later renewed, both parties claim that they will act with more deliberation. But the reality is, given the escalation of tension between the two sides, the current moment has become a very serious moment for our country and the region. Decisions made behind the closed doors of both sides can determine the present and future fate and life of our people and our country. The adventurous policies of the US and IR, especially Trump and Khamenei, have brought our country to the brink of horror that is not far from a full-fledged war. By fueling the broadest anti-war and conflict actions at the national and international levels, it is possible to avoid falling into the trap of war and destruction.

The risk of resorting to adventurous tactics by both sides is far more than their reassurance of avoiding war. These tactics could often lead to a war that could result in human casualties and terrible destruction. Our country and the civilized world do not need a war. Let us resonate our voice of "We do not want war!" across Iran the world! Trump and Khamenei have gone to the brink of war. Let us stand up against persistence of their unbridled and dangerous adventures in every possible way!

Political-Executive Bureau of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)

January 8, 2020

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