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February 2020

Victory in boycotting elections

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The victory of the boycott of the elections is an important step in the continuation of the civil struggle of the Iranian people for the transition from the Islamic Republic, an end to the prevailing religious tyranny, and an emphasis on the fact that freedom and democracy can be achieved not within the Islamic Republic ranks but in its absence.

We are Concerned about People's Lives

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
As the value of human life takes precedence over everything else, at the moment, all the emphasis should be on minimizing losses caused by this disease. We also say this ahead of time that resorting to excuses such as lack of medicines, lack of preventive means, lack of reception centers for patients, etc. is not a decisive factor, especially as the experience of other countries in this area is also available.

IRAN: View from the Left – Nr.2

International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
1-The rise and fall of tensions, within Iran and outside the borders
2- Statements on the current political situation
3- Election boycott
4- On Trump's "Deal of the Century": Recognizing Occupation and
5- Sympathy and support

Call of Four Republican Parties and Organizations for Boycotting the Election Show

Four Republican Parties and Organizations
In order to defeat the regime’s attempt to restore its goner legitimacy and to claim that the people are its backers, we call on people not to show up at the polling stations and demonstrate their protest in any possible way. Leaving polling stations and ballot boxes empty and boycotting actively can strengthen the protest movement and cause another blow to the Islamic Republic (IR) and further discredit it.

Re:Deal of the Century

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
Evidently the Palestine issue was a pretext for Trump and Netanyahu to save themselves from the current political gridlocks to save themselves in US and Israel. Trump to overshadow the impeachment process and his successful “leadership” role in the upcoming US election and Netanyahu to overshadow his role in his corruption case in Israel!