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Victory in boycotting elections

Victory in boycotting elections
Warning about Government deceitful acts

Victory in boycotting elections!

Warning about Government deceitful acts!

The fictitious elections of the eleventh parliament were overwhelmingly boycotted. However, the Islamic Republic is still working on figures in order to announce the results. All the evidence indicates that the government has no credibility among majority of Iranians. Khamenei's plea and threats to persuade people to the polling ballots have received a resounding "NO" response and the triumph of the boycott of the election has been confirmed.

According to the recent reports, turnout in the country as a whole has been very low. In some cities such as ‘Tehran’ low turnout has been unprecedented. Numerous reports of vote-rigging have been reported at the polling stations and the fraud and false vote castings -buying and selling has reached to such a point where even the government itself has announced that several people have been arrested in this regard!

The government is trying to hijack the results by hindering the actual numbers but the rulers themselves, from top to bottom, are well aware that they can’t win this battle.

The widespread uproar of the people and the "NO" response to the fabricated election is in the wake of the November 2019 protests and the continuing uprising that began in January 2017. It is the continuation of the civil resistance against all forms of discrimination in the Islamic Republic that has emerged as a public act. This is a big "NO" to the Islamic Republic and Khamenei's plan to attract more people to the polling stations. This is a big “NO” to the tyrannical autocracy.

The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) congratulates the Iranian people on the success of the boycotting of the fictitious election. The victory of the boycott of the elections is an important step in the continuation of the civil struggle of the Iranian people for the transition from the Islamic Republic, an end to the prevailing religious tyranny, and an emphasis on the fact that freedom and democracy can be achieved not within the Islamic Republic ranks but in its absence.

Our party warns against fraud by the government. The Islamic Republic, during its 41 years of existence has always concealed the facts from the people. This time around they also seek to conceal their defeat with lies.

Political Board - Executive of The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)

February 23, 2020

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