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July 2021

Condamnation d'Assadollah Asadi et de 3 autres Iraniens dans ce tribunal

Conseil Exécutif du Parti de gauche d'Iran
Notre parti, le Parti de gauche d'Iran (Fadaiyan du peuple ) en tant que l'un des partis de l'opposition démocratique d'Iran, en plus d'honorer les décisions et verdicts rendues pour Asadi et ses partenaires, exige que les noms des autres collègues d'Assadollah Asadi soient annoncés et mis à la disposition des partis et organisations d'opposition.

Conviction of Assadollah Asadi and 3 other Iranians in the Belgian court

According to reports, during the arrest, interrogation and investigation of Assadollah Asadi's case, which led to the conviction of four defendants in this case, Other names of security collaborators and spies of the Islamic Republic who are seeking information from Iranian opposition organizations and parties have been propounded.

No Participation in Elections that is not Gateway to Desired Change

Central Committee of the Iraqi Communist Party
There is no need here to emphasize that our boycott of the elections in light of the current suffocating crises is not directed against the electoral process as a democratic practice. It is, for us, one of the means of peaceful action for change, which calls for combining all forms of popular, political, intellectual and economic struggle. It is also linked, as a form of struggle, to our clear goal of change aimed at establishing a democratic civil state based on social justice.

The Need to Link the Protests against Water Shortages and Frequent Power Outages with the Strikes of oil industry and Haft Tappeh Workers and Retirees!

The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) considers the water shortage and frequent power outages crisis in the country, especially in Khuzestan, to be the result of the regime's destructive management and recklessness and supports the protests of the people of Khuzestan against water shortage, poverty, and the misery of the province. Based on a lot of data, the most preparation that the regime has taken in response to the multifaceted critical situation in Khuzestan in recent years is to strengthen the repressive security force in this province, especially in its Arab regions.

We condemn the attempt to kidnap the opponents of the Islamic Republic!

Relying on the conciliation of some governments, the Islamic Republic has so far been able to assassinate or kidnap hundreds of its opponents abroad. During these years, the government kidnapped citizens of other countries and took them hostage in order to create an atmosphere of terror among its opponents and to keep the morale of its mercenaries high.

Solidarité avec les salariés du secteur pétrolier en Iran

Les travailleurs précaires en grève refusent la création par le pouvoir de "Conseils islamiques du travail" censés les représenter et déclarent : "ce sont des instruments de contrôle des travailleurs au service des patrons". Ils ajoutent : "comme nos collègues de sucrerie Haft-Tapeh, de l’aciérie d’Ahvaz et d’autres entreprises nous n’accepterons jamais la création des Conseils islamiques du travail". "Le « Conseil organisateur des travailleurs de la sous-traitance dans le secteur du pétrole » est notre voix et le symbole de notre unité, celle des travailleurs".

Nos organisations syndicales françaises soutiennent pleinement les salariés en lutte, comme le fait sur place la grande majorité de la population, ainsi que la diaspora iranienne à travers le monde.


International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
In this issue you read:
Word of the Month
One month with the "presidential election" in Iran
Early signs of the foreseen problems for the new President
Our Sympathy
Press conference of Cornelia Ernst, Member of the European Parliament and Member of the Parliament for Iran
Press Release
The "Election" Show Ended with the Announcement of the "Victory" of the Regime’s Candidate.