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September 2021

Raisi’s Cabinet: Cabinet of the Regime’s Failure!

The induction of the Raisi’s cabinet headed by one of the main executors and decision-makers of the massacre of thousands of political prisoners in 1988, who has been part of the criminal judiciary system that has issued death sentences for the past forty-three years, is an insult to the rueful people of our country and a criminal act in itself. At the same time, the Raisi’s cabinet, with all the expenses incurred by Khamenei and his entourage, is a complete reflection of the frustration of the entire regime and, above all, of Khamenei's own failure. This cabinet, like its architect, Ali Khamenei, believes that the country can be run with frothy slogans.

Sympathy for the People of Afghanistan and Alongside the Left Forces of this Country

Left Party of Iran
This incident, however, is not only against democracy and sustainable development in Afghanistan, but also against the peace, security, progress, and development of all the people of this region of the world. The establishment of the Taliban in state power will make Afghanistan more and more a base for the growth of terrorism and fundamentalism. Terrorism, which will lead to all kinds of tensions and hostilities, which are source of antagonism and wars, and these are also grounds for trading the weapon of death for the benefit of its producers.

Afghanistan, que s'est-il passé et que peut-il se passer?

Comité exécutif politique du Parti de gauche d'Iran
Un gouvernement de type taliban n'a définitivement pas d'avenir car il doit faire face à toutes sortes de crises, de résistances omniprésentes, de dissensions internes croissantes, de goulots d'étranglement financiers mortels et enfin à l'incapacité à trouver un équilibre entre les acteurs régionaux et mondiaux sur la « question afghane ». Mais les talibans n'ont pas une telle capacité.


Comité exécutif politique du Parti de Gauche d’ Iran
A l'occasion du 33ème anniversaire du massacre de milliers de prisonniers politiques par la R.I.I, le Parti de la Gauche Iranienne (Fadaian du Peuple) rend une nouvelle fois hommage à ces combattants tombés au combat, à ces âmes éprises de liberté, à ces compagnons engagés dans l'instauration de la démocratie et de l'égalité, à ces personnes qui réclament leurs droits, à tous ceux qui ont sacrifié leur vie pour la liberté, la justice sociale et la liberté et contre la tyrannie de la R.I.I., ainsi qu'à leurs familles qui ont souffert et souffrent encore.

Afghanistan, what Happened and what can Happen!

. Based on experience, not many deny the existence of the Taliban as a reality of the Afghan society. The debate is essentially about the dominance and the rule of those who, in terms of attitudes and beliefs, are the same Taliban as before. Any optimism about the reformability of the Taliban as a whole would be a dangerous assessment and a deadly political mistake.

On the 33rd Anniversary of the National Tragedy of the Killing of Political Prisoners!

Now the voice of the protests of the plaintiff forces, which was loud from the very first days, has soared that the news of this massacre has reached the ears of the Iranian people in the most remote parts of the country. Undeniably, this voice of justice will resonate over time, and the siege of murderers and criminals will become narrower day by day, and it will not be long before we see the trial of the perpetrators of the massacre of 1988. Abroad, terrorist agents of the Islamic Republic have been brought to justice for years.


International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
In this issue you read:
Word of the Month
Afghanistan, Afghanistan, Afghanistan
Corona's massacre in Iran
 The beginning of the trial of a long-standing crime