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June 2024

We Support the Strike of Contract Workers!

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
While declaring solidarity with the striking workers and firmly supporting their demands, the Left Party of Iran calls upon the workers to protect and strengthen unity and solidarity and to try to expand the scope of the strike as much as possible, which is one of the requirements for the success of any strike. We condemn the arrest of a number of striking workers.

Against a Circus Called Election!

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The Left Party of Iran calls on everyone to actively boycott the election show of the Islamic Republic on the 28th of June. With the slogan "NO" to the Islamic Republic and "YES" to the revolutionary movement "Woman, Life, Freedom", let us use confronting the tricks of the regime as an opportunity for the common and widespread emergence of the left republican and democratic forces and synchronizing with all the freedom-loving and democracy-loving forces of the country, in the direction of liberation from the Islamic Republic and foundation of a free society with a government based on the free votes of the people

IRAN: View from the LEFT, May 2024 No 53

International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
The Israeli army's deadly attack on the Palestinian refugee camp in Rafah has once again sparked deep global revulsion against Israel's war in Gaza. Israel's war crime in this attack was so obvious that the main person responsible for this massacre, Benjamin Netanyahu, called it "a tragic event" and claimed that the operation to kill the refugees "went tragically wrong."

L'assassinat catastrophique des réfugiés palestiniens à Rafah ! Netanyahou est un criminel de guerre et doit être traduit en justice !

Comité politico-exécutif de Parti de Gauche d’iran
Le Parti de la Gauche d'Iran considère le massacre du peuple palestinien comme un crime contre l'humanité. Les puissants gouvernements occidentaux, menés par les États-Unis, sont tenus pour responsables du soutien apporté aux actions du gouvernement israélien dans ces massacres. Leur complaisance à l'égard du gouvernement israélien et leurs critiques inefficaces sont une réaction pour apaiser l'opinion publique, mais en pratique elles encouragent le gouvernement israélien à poursuivre sa politique et cette situation.