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We Support the Strike of Contract Workers!

We Support the Strike of Contract Workers!

June 25, 2024

The strike of the workers of the contracting companies that started on June 20 in the middle of the election show campaigns of the regime, has continued and expanded after five days. According to the Organization of Protests of Oil Contract Workers channel, so far more than 20,000 workers in nearly 90 different companies active in the oil, gas and petrochemical industries in the oil regions have joined this strike. All of them have unanimously demanded an increase in wages, 14 days of monthly rest for 14 days of work, removal of contract companies and other demands for welfare in their workplaces.

Despite some setbacks in front of the workers, a number of employers have not yet given a clear answer to all their requests. Also, according to the latest reports, security officers in a number of companies have started threatening workers and arrested two individuals named Bahrami Forman and Mohammad Rahimi. However, workers in companies that are on strike generally insist on continuing the strike until their demands are met.

While declaring solidarity with the striking workers and firmly supporting their demands, the Left Party of Iran calls upon the workers to protect and strengthen unity and solidarity and to try to expand the scope of the strike as much as possible, which is one of the requirements for the success of any strike. We condemn the arrest of a number of striking workers. We call upon the militant workers and citizens all over the country, especially in the cities and oil regions of the south of the country, to support these strikes and the fair and just demands of the contract workers in any way they can. We call upon them to condemn the arrest and threat of the workers by the repressive agents of the regime and fight for their release. The right to organize and strike is one of the primary rights of workers and must be strictly observed according to Conventions 87 and 98 of the International Labor Organization.

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
June 25, 2024

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