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On the Occasion of the 53rd Anniversary of "Siahkal", a Breakthrough Beginning Towards Different Future!

On the Occasion of the 53rd Anniversary of "Siahkal", a Breakthrough Beginning Towards Different Future!

February 8, 2024

53 years ago, on February 8, 1971 (19 Bahman 1349), at a time when any party and trade union activity, with the exception of the pro-monarchy parties and trade unions, was considered a crime and suppressed, a movement was sparked in Siahkal and from it a new force emerged that opened a new horizon for the Iran's leftist forces. A movement with a unique response to the wishes of a large part of the eager, diligent and revolutionary generation of those years to open another way, from the heart of previous failures, towards liberation from the shackles of dictatorship, injustice, and to achieve freedom and equality. Although the Siahkal operation was not successful in its primary goal, it left a resonance in the atmosphere of the country and had a message in it, which was expressive and had the intention of becoming a force of change. It attracted a large part of the young and inquisitive force, which had great ideals in its heart, mobilized it, turned it into an organized force against oppression and dictatorship, and blew a new breath to the struggle for a better, just and humane future. From this point of view, "Siahkal" turned the page of the contemporary history of the left and became a historical turning point.

People's Fadaian rose up from the hearts of the failures of the left and the suppression of society by the ruling regime. Although 2 of Siahkal's guerrillas were killed during the battle and the regime sent 13 others to the death squad after brutal torture on March 17th of the same year in just a few weeks, but with the immediate formation of the People's Fadaian guerillas, hundreds and thousands of young generations fell in love with this movement and joined it, they laid down their lives so that the started path would continue. The step that was taken in Siahkal, regardless of whether it was right or wrong, laid the foundation for the gathering of thousands of leftists of that period, and the most reliable and popular leftist organization in Iran developed and became a point of hope for freedom-loving and justice-seeking struggles in the country.

The People's Fadaian, just as they were born by critique of the past, shaped their life in the continuation of this way and by reviewing and critique of their performance, they opened a new path in the Iranian left movement. They raised the banner of struggle for freedom, democracy, social justice and socialism and created their historical traditions. Within a few years, despite all the blows they received, on the eve of the January 1979 (Bahman 1357) revolution, they became the most important leftist force in the country's political sphere. But after the revolution, the Islamic Republic system took the path of repression and terror from the very beginning, and eventually, the People’s Fadaian, with whatever approach existed in its different branches, fell under the blade of this regime's repression. They were arrested and tortured, and they stood heroically in the prisons of the Islamic Republic and remained loyal to their ideals.

The Left Party of Iran, most of whose forces belong to the various branches of the historical movement of People's Fadaian, was born from the heart of this revolutionary movement and in its continuation, but in response to today's needs and in the image of the left of its time. Our party, without staying in this history and standing still, respects its history and is proud of its origin. Our party respects the past in learning from the path it has traversed, critique of the past and repeatedly review of the point of views towards a wider left alliances and the left alliance defending democratic socialism. It was with this view that our party stood up to verify its name in its last congress, to reflect the needs of the left today and respond to the requirements of its future alliances.

On the 53rd anniversary of February 8 (19 Bahman), the Left Party of Iran once again honors the efforts and struggle of the founders of the Fadai movement, who fought for a system free from oppression and exploitation. Being aware of the bitterness arising from the splits, disagreements and sometimes deep deviations between the different branches of this historical movement, we consider it our duty to insist on the respect of all the branches of this hoary tree, which remained loyal to the goals and ideals of the founders of the Fadai movement. On the 53rd anniversary of "Siahkal", our party calls on all the forces belong to this historic movement as well as other left forces to dialogue, coordination and practical cooperation in the direction of a general alliance and the creation of a left bloc in defense of the interests of workers and laborers and the realization of freedom, democracy and social justice. Let today's left create another transformation in the political sphere of the left and its empowerment, just like the left that started in "Siahkal" and thereafter.

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
February 8, 2024

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