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With all of our forces to the aid of the people of our country!

With all of our forces to the aid of the people of our country!

A call by the Political-Executive Committee of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadain) for unity, cooperation, alignment and national consultation!

With all of our forces to the aid of the people of our country!

Addressed to the freedom-loving and militant forces of opposition to the Islamic Republic!

Once more we have witnessed an avalanche of popular protests in the country. The loud voice of opposition to the government in the last few days once more made it clear that there is a popular will for transitioning away from the Islamic republic. Today’s Iran is fulfilled with the protesting force of the masses. A huge gap is caused by the lack of a militant organization and an opposition force trusted by the people. The problem is not that we don’t have opposition organizations. There are many, organized and diverse. The problem is the lack of coherence among the opposition and lack of harmony in their ranks. Today, more than ever, the people who have risen might ask: Why is it that the freedom-loving opposition to the Islamic Republic lacks a united voice who could speak up in support of the popular uprising in the country? Any individual and opposition group has been repeatedly questioned in these tumultuous days: Why do you all not join hands to open a new perspective for society?

The opposition’s problem is not that it is silent. We can all see that numerous and diverse organizations of the opposition are all in tumult and are supporting the movement. We all support the popular uprising and aim to transfer the militant history of struggle to the activists of the movement who are directly involved in their own struggles. The problem is the lack of unity for the freedom-loving opposition.

Opponents of the Islamic Republic!

The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian), based on the needs of these dire moments, calls for joint struggles among on all freedom-loving militants who believe in the right of people to rule. The only effective way to continue the movement to change the balance of forces in favor of transitioning away from the Islamic Republic is a united or at least aligned opposition force in our country’s political sphere. We declare that we are ready to collaborate, coordinate and act in unity with all those whose priority in struggling against the Islamic Republic is the power of the Iranian people and who demand the establishment of a secular and democratic republic based on popular vote. Unity of secular and democratic republicans has been the center of our unity politics and we repeat, once more, that we welcome collaboration and sustained unity with the forces belonging to this part of the opposition. Every activist of this spectrum is dear to us.

We believe that in these sensitive moments, creation of action committees in every corner of the world, among Iranians, to organize solidarity with people and collective participation in the current popular uprising is an urgent task. We declare that we are ready for collaboration in support of the people’s uprising. Our party believes in consultation and dialogue aimed at reaching collaboration between all those who are committed to democracy and secularism and who want a government based on the free vote of the people.

Freedom-Loving militants!

Collaboration and alignment between forces of the opposition doesn’t deny pragmatic diversity and independence of each group. It is an important step toward empowering the popular movement while safeguarding the programmatic, political and organizational independence of various forces. Our country today, more than ever, needs collaboration between forces who aim to change the current situation and create hopeful perspectives for struggles of people to go beyond the Islamic Republic and reach democracy and justice. To walk in such a path is not only to respond to the current situation. It is preparation for future. We must answer the call of today and prepare for future.

Political-Executive Committee of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)

November 22, 2019

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