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Heartbreaking Tragedy of 176 Perished Human Lives:

Heartbreaking Tragedy of 176 Perished Human Lives:

Heartbreaking Tragedy of 176 Perished Human Lives:

War Atmosphere, Cause of the Tragedy and the Liar Regime of the Islamic Republic (IR) Responsible for it!

After three days of secrecy, lying, contradicting and threatening truth-seekers, General Staff of the Armed Forces of the IR issued a statement claiming that it had accidentally shot down the Ukrainian passenger jet with 176 people on board only a few minutes after take-off due to "mistake shot" of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) antiaircraft. In an irresponsible statement issued by the president, he blamed "the enemy" and considered cause of this inhuman incident "inadvertent mistake" and "human error".

This disaster, which is example of a military action against civilians causing heartbreaking death of 176 people with thousands of unmet dreams, could arise only in situations of tension and conflict. So calling this tragedy "inadvertent” and looking for scapegoats among low-ranking officials, is nothing but covering the subject. The cause of the disaster is war atmosphere dominating our country and responsibility must also be borne by those who are chanting “no negotiation, no war.” The main criminal is Khamenei, the Supreme Leader and Commander-in-chief of the armed forces that plays a central role in preventing the formation of calm conditions in the country.

The Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian), once again, with heartbreaking sorrow and deep regret over this tragedy, expresses its deep sympathy with families of all Iranian and non-Iranian victims of this incident caused by inhuman adventurism of the IR. We assume the IR regime of death and lie responsible for the entirety of this criminal incident and hold it accountable for all consequences of the disaster. We declare in advance, that only the Supreme Leader and IRGC must be responsible for all the monetary compensation for the loss of lives and properties caused by this tragic incident. The Iranian people share of this indelible pain is only grief and anger towards the IR and combat against it. The people will not leave liars and those responsible for this tragic incident alone. We must not hesitate any possible way of protesting nationally against the IR who is responsible for this tragedy.

the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)

Political-Executive Bureau

January 11, 2020



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