Message from the Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian)
For nearly a year now, the deadly disease of Covid-19 has plagued the world, including Iran.
In all countries, governments are solely responsible for the prevention and carry the main burden of fighting this disease. But in Iran, most of the burden is borne by the medical staff. While the government refused to announce the outbreak due to political motives, it was the doctors who announced the arrival and spread of the Corona virus in the country. During these months of Corona, the ignorance and irresponsibility of the government has caused the heavy burden of dealing with this disease to fall mainly on the health care staff, especially hospital staff; Even in a situation where the lack of medical facilities, such as CCU and ICU beds, oxygen devices, etc. is rampant.
This conscious acceptance of this responsibility at a time when the corrupt and dysfunctional government had other preoccupations and the lives of the people were the least of its problems, came at a heavy price for the medical staff involved in the fight against Corona. According to the deputy chairman of the parliamentary health commission, out of 110,000 nurses working in this department, more than 32,000, or about a third of them, have contracted the Corona disease. Tens of educated and specialized people from doctors, dentists, pharmacists, nurses, assistant nurses, and other health care professionals sacrificed their lives to save patients. Nevertheless, the dedicated staff of these departments have stood their ground; Unshakable and strong.
Hardworking and Dedicated Nurses!
Your work, even under normal circumstances is hard and exhausting. Working around the clock, constantly dealing with patients who are in pain and suffering and restless are all signs of your hard work. These hardships, however, have increased extensively in these days of Corona. You stay in the hospital for days and sometimes weeks and deprive yourself of visiting your family and loved ones, You put up with shortcomings but with a tired and worn body do your best to keep the spirits of the patients high. Your salary is not paid on time and you do not benefit from receiving overtime. You, according to the shameful confession of the Deputy Minister of Health, even must pay for your food while you are on duty. Your work and efforts are valuable and extremely praiseworthy for us. We know you have had and still have plenty of rightful demands, and most of them have not yet been met, but we also know that despite that, you do not miss a moment to devote your time in saving patients' lives. While greatly appreciating your work, we have been supporting and continue to support your legitimate demands.
Honorable and Committed Doctors!
Accept our respect for the fact that you have dedicated days and nights in your life to reduce the pain of patients and save their lives. Although you have lost a group of your committed colleagues to Covid-19 to this day, you are not afraid to take risks to control this disease. You have proved that our medical community has stood by its commitment to the service of the afflicted at the cost of their lives. You have proved that our medical community’ priority is nothing but their patients and treatment.
Dear Compatriots!
Doctors, nurses, assistant nurses, midwives, dentists, pharmacists, and workers and employees of various health care departments of our country are all our children, brothers, sisters, spouses, fathers and mothers. They endure all the hardships and deprivations in order to save our compatriots from death as much as they can. They rightly expect us to abide by medical and health rules and regulations in these circumstances. Their expectation is quite simple but very meaningful: Be careful not to get sick so as not to infect others with the disease!
If you really must leave home for work, be sure to use a mask. Wash your hands and try to keep social distance. Repel the temptation to travel unnecessarily and try not to make any unnecessary visits. These small and simple measures for everyone are great help to prevent you, your family, relatives and other compatriots from being infected and to limit the spread of the disease. Therefore, the burden of clinics and hospitals will be reduced. By providing breathing space for medical staff, they continue their work more efficiently. We sincerely ask you, NGOs, to rush to the aid of the medical staff, support the elderly and the poor and guide the people in following the health instructions.
Employees of the Country's Health Department!
The Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian) greets you, honorable and valuable personnel who are in the service of the fight against Covid-19 disease, and appreciates your unexpected, sincere and selfless efforts. We salute your dear colleagues who lost their lives in this battle. We warmly shake your hands, which, despite all the shortcomings and hardships, have stood your ground. You, the hard-working and dedicated medical staff of Iran, have shown that Iran does not have only one Florence Nightingale but thousands of Narges and Maryam, the first and last nurses who lost their lives in the fight against Corona.
We are confident that Corona will go sooner or later. We believe in a free, prosperous and democratic future for Iran. On that day of freedom and public health, your sacrifices will be the subject of novels and will find their way into the children's textbooks of this land to be a lesson in freedom, commitment and sacrifice for the future. It is not too late for statues symbolizing these sacrifices to adorn the squares of our cities.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)
November 14, 2020
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