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Iran's membership in the UN Commission on the Status of Women is an insult to Iranian women!

Iran's membership in the UN Commission on the Status of Women is an insult to Iranian women!

Iran's membership in the UN Commission on the Status of Women is an insult to Iranian women!

On April 20 of this year, during a vote held by the UN Economic and Social Council, the Islamic Republic of Iran was elected as a member of the Women's Institution Commission, which has been one of the commissions of this council for the past 4 years. According to media reports, the Islamic Republic was able to get into the commission with 43 out of 53 votes.

Needless to say, this choice was made not on the basis of the existing realities of Iranian society and the very difficult situation that the government of the Islamic Republic has imposed on the women of our country, but on the basis of political interests. Although some media outlets cite the absence of another candidate from the Asian region as justification for this choice, this is not a decision that can be justified. The election if the Islamic Republic of Iran to the UN's Women's Institution Commission can only be described as an insult to Iranian women.

In today's interconnected world, where every event, small or large, is exposed to the world's attention in the shortest possible time, the countries that voted for this membership cannot be unaware of the demands and efforts of Iranian women to earn their most basic rights. They are ignoring the regime's violent and repressive confrontation with these women, in various areas of social life.

The Women's Group of the Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaiyan) invites all human rights and women's rights organizations to raise their voice of protest to the officials of the United Nations Economic Commission, in every possible way against this wrong choice, which is in fact a disregard for the basic rights of Iranian women.


Women Group -Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaiyan)

2021 -05 - 06

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