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We Strongly Condemn the Israeli Government's Military Attack on Gaza and the Killing of the Palestinian People

We Strongly Condemn the Israeli Government's Military Attack on Gaza and the Killing of the Palestinian People

August 7, 2022
On Friday, August 5, the Israeli government started new attacks on the Gaza strip and continued it for three days. During these attacks, people suffered a lot of damage, including a five-story building in Gaza was completely destroyed, and at least forty people, including six children, were killed, and more than two hundred people were injured. Following Israel's attacks, "Islamic Jihad" also announced that it responded to these attacks by firing missiles at several cities, including Tel Aviv.

The Israeli government's attack on Gaza, in the midst of the upcoming early elections, under the pretext of "eliminating the threat against Israeli citizens", is first of all a means to increase the chances of the current government in the upcoming elections at the cost of killing Palestinians. Unfortunately, in recent years, not only the right-wing governments of Israel, even the current government, which claims to be moderate, resort to the means of war and violence to advance their goals under the banner of fighting terrorism. The killing of Palestinians has become a tool in the hands of the warmongers to win votes in the Israeli society.

At the request of the United Arab Emirates, Ireland, France, Norway and China, the UN Security Council is going to hold a meeting on Monday to discuss the new war in Gaza.

Islamic Jihad is one of the forces that is supported by the Islamic Republic, and by firing rockets at the cities and people's houses in Israeli cities, it intensifies the tension and provides the necessary excuses for the Israeli army to attack Gaza. By settling in residential areas, it endangers the lives of Palestinian citizens. But rocket launches and settlement in residential areas are not justifications for Israel's killings in Gaza. What has happened in numerous attacks of the Israeli army and is being done today is the killing of the innocent people of Gaza with the most advanced weapons and the complete destruction of residential buildings.

Our party, the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) strongly condemns the attack on the Gaza Strip and the killing of the defenseless Palestinian people by Israel. We emphasize on the destructive role of the Islamic Jihad in creating tension, and together with all the defenders of peace in the world, demand an end to the siege of the Gaza Strip and the occupation and siege of the Palestinian lands and the implementation of UN resolutions by Israel. The only way to end the war and violence is to pave the way for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state alongside the Israeli state based on the UN resolutions. The continuation of military tensions and occasional attacks on Gaza is an obstacle in the way of peace negotiations and to reach a peaceful solution in one of the oldest crises in the Middle East region. These tensions and attacks create conditions that are the main cause of the military presence of extremist movements in the Palestinian areas and the continuation of tension in the region.

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)
August 7, 2022

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