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Broader international solidarity with the movement of ‘Woman, Life, Freedom’ in Iran

Broader international solidarity with the movement of ‘Woman, Life, Freedom’ in Iran
To all Iranians abroad in support of current struggles inside the country!

Iran has once again risen up against the Islamic Republic and demonstrated the power of the people; People who demand freedom, democracy and social justice; People who are united in the fight for freedom and overthrown a system which is founded based on discrimination and injustice; The system which knows only violence and the language of oppression.

The Islamic Republic of Iran is now faced with thousands upon thousands of passionate young people who fearlessly stand up against it. Those young souls persistently cry out the pain accumulated in the hearts of their nation over the past several decades. They are the ones who mourned the death of Mahsa (zhina) Amini and in doing so the death of tens of people who were killed consequently by participating in the follow up demonstrations and strikes. They have turned their protests into a social uprising throughout each corner of our country. The struggle of the youth on the streets with the support of millions of families in the country has gone beyond standing against the mandatory hijab and has directly targeted the Islamic Republic regime, and the leader of it, Khamenei. However, killing and injuring large number of protesters and arresting and imprisoning hundreds have not caused any disturbance or interruptions in the movement of our youth.

Iranian people have repeatedly and proudly raised the flag of resistance against the religious tyranny and in doing so they have inspired the world while catching admiration and support.

We salute this national solidarity campaign! Please embrace our slogan: “WOMAN, LIFE, FREEDOM” to support the ever existing freedom fighters of Kurdistan. Greetings to every fighter against discrimination and every Iranian and non-Iranian supporter anywhere in the world and above all in our HOMELAND!

Nowadays, it is the time to make every country and every city of the world a place for protest and rally. Let's support any protests in this direction. Participating in those protests, we resonate the slogans of the movement inside Iran. While opposing the Islamic Republic and considering the explicit and common goal of our people to transition from this system, we should not resort to violence. We must demonstrate our solidarity peacefully. "Woman, Life, Freedom" has a message in its heart for the entire country. It calls: Iran for all its citizens and Iran without the Islamic Republic. May every gathering of us abroad show that Iranians are not alone within the borders and have global support. Let the world know the common goal of those who have lost their lives, injured, or imprisoned by this government: Freedom. Lets help isolating the regime ever than before.

The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) supports each and every gathering in any part of the world that resonates the goals of the popular protest movement in Iran. We extend our hand of solidarity to all freedom fighters and we embrace all organizations and individuals who fight for the national interests, freedom and democracy with open arms. We expect that all members and supporters of our party will actively participate in any gathering or meeting that serves the continuation and promotion of the current movement.

Long live the history-making movement of WOMAN, LIFE, FREEDOM!

The Political-Executive board of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)

September 30, 2022

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