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Khamenei's Fear of the Power of the People's Movement!

Khamenei's Fear of the Power of the People's Movement!


Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)

After two weeks, Khamenei finally came out of the curtain of terror and by breaking his cowardly and expedient silence, he tried to pretend that he was not afraid, and the regime’s officials were not afraid either. But he is clearly both scared and has realized the regime's fear. In his speech, he threatened millions of people who have risen up against the regime. In his speech, he clumsily tried to insinuate to the regime that there is nothing to worry about, although he understands and sees what kind of earthquake the Islamic system is facing. His concern was more exposed when most of his speech time was spent beating the movement that has shaken him and the system under his rule.

The "Commander" living with the nightmare of saying goodbye forever, is relying on the performance of the repression forces in creating security atmosphere in the public spaces and streets, restricting the use of internet, raiding universities across the country and ordering mass arrests, by promising revenge to those who side with the "Woman, Life, Freedom" movement is trying to embolden the demoralized oppressors under its command. Revenge directed at women, youth, intellectuals, artists, athletes, marketers and "deceived" and "ignorant" clerics.

Khamenei repeated his usual nonsense. But this time with a vastly different feeling than before, which is rooted in the fear caused by the courage of the people at a higher level than ever before. He shamelessly once again called the nation that has risen against him and the regime as the agent of America, Saudi Arabia and Israel. He related those Kurds and Baloch who were killed by his mercenaries to the foreign "enemy". For this reason, his words have only added to the general dislike of him, the religious authority and the Islamic Republic.

The “Zhina” movement has rang the bell of the transition from the Islamic Republic with a greater tune, and the fear that has diminished in the people is constantly giving way to increasing courage. The birds freed from tyranny and messengers of freedom will not only return to the cage but will go to soar again in chain flights. The imposed headscarves are one after the other burning in the fire and at the same time the authority of the regime is collapsing increasingly until the veil is removed from the head and face of the authority of the regime.

The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) considers Khamenei's words today as a reflection of the ability of the Iranian people's movement in the path of freedom and democracy. By emphasizing the importance of the great achievements of the people, we are sure that the factionalism within the regime is getting more intense and is collapsing. Khamenei's words were cry about the broken system and anger at the rise of the national will in the society.

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)

October 4, 2022

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