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Let Us Rush to Help the Heroic People of Sanandaj!

Let Us Rush to Help the Heroic People of Sanandaj!

October 11, 2022


Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)

The city of Sanandaj has been experiencing continuous shootings and explosions since last night. People have taken control of some streets and forced the suppression forces to retreat in some areas. The news indicates that the regime is preparing to send troops to deal with the people's resistance in this city.

For more than three weeks, the people of Iran across the country have bravely resisted against the brutal actions of the oppressive regime of the Islamic Republic. They have stood face to face with the oppressors and have shouted "We do not want the Islamic Republic" to the ears of the world. Now the people of Sanandaj are standing heroically against the brutality of the regime’s forces.

In order to cover up its shameless repression against the people's movement, the Islamic Republic has restricted internet communication and the possibility of providing information in order to prevent the news of the people's movement. But



people have always discovered new possibilities for circulation of news.

The Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian) appreciates the resistance and courageous struggle of the people of Sanandaj in the stronghold of the struggle against tyranny and fundamentalism, and invites all freedom-loving people of Iran to protest in their neighborhoods and cities and expand the range of strikes in support of the praiseworthy resistance of the people of Sanandaj, rise up and not let the Islamic Republic mobilize its repression forces to confront the people of this city. We have no doubt that the spread of people's struggles will continue until the Islamic Republic is brought down.

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)

October 11, 2022

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