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The Need to Prepare for Immediate Action and Talk to Coordinate the Opposition Forces in Support of the People's Protest Movement!

The Need to Prepare for Immediate Action and Talk to Coordinate the Opposition Forces in Support of the People's Protest Movement!

Mass protests across the country have entered their fourth week. The Islamic Republic has once again brought its repression organs to the field and is busy suppressing and threatening the people by using its media and propaganda organs. During this period, more than two hundred people have been killed, hundreds of people have been injured, and several thousand people have been arrested and imprisoned.

The leader of the Islamic Republic has so far given speech twice after the movement and referred to it as "scattered riots" and, as usual, he observed the hand of America and Israel behind the backs of the people fed up with the regime's discrimination. Ebrahim Raisi, the killer appointed to the presidency, as soon as he returned from the United Nations General Assembly, in his first reaction, called the people's protests a riot and threatened. His interior minister also threatened the protesters with prison and punishment.

However, the people have ignored these threats, continued their protests and wanted to end this corrupt system by chanting slogans against the Islamic Republic and its autocratic leader. Now the society has entered a new stage. The psychology of the people has changed, not only the fear has gone away from the people and sat in the heart of the regime, moreover, the aggressive spirit of the women and youth movement has become prominent. Instead of creating fear, the repression of the regime intensifies the people’s struggle. Continuation of the movement has tired and worn out the repression forces and planted seeds of doubt in the hearts of some of them. What currently helps the regime to continue in power is the dispersion of the opposition forces.

The political-executive board of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) during the first days of the rise of the "Women, Life, Freedom" movement, in its emergency and in-person meeting, evaluated the political situation, emphasized the importance of focusing all the party's activities on strengthening the people's protest movement, and It came to the conclusion that the society has entered a new and irreversible stage. In this regard, the party established a division under the name of "Coordination Division of the Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian)" to monitor the political situation, adjust the activities of the party accordingly, and respond appropriately to the movement's issues.

At the same time, our face-to-face meeting, realizing the importance of the united front against the Islamic Republic, emphasized coordination in the ranks of the opposition and put in its agenda the dialogue to coordinate the forces of the democratic opposition to organize joint actions by considering the commonalities. And where the necessary agreements for unity and cooperation are not yet available, pave the way for alignment and coordination.

In our documents, we have emphasized the principle of dialogue with all the opposition forces that are committed to the principles of democracy, including pluralism, free elections, ballot box judgment, and the formation of the Constituent Assembly to draft the constitution, and we have always adhered to it. Today, while advancing the policy of alliance with republican forces in order to form a republican bloc, as well as creating an alliance of leftist forces, we emphasize on strengthening alignments and partnerships with other forces in support of the people's movement. From today, we are working together with our allies in the republican spectrum of Iran in this direction, and we hope that the republican and democratic opposition will understand the sensitivity of the situation, and with greater responsibility, coordinate the necessary efforts to strengthen the efforts of the people in the direction of transitioning from the Islamic Republic and creating a free and fair society.

There should be no doubt that the movement that has spread in the streets today, in its continuation and combined with a nationwide strike, can bring the tyranny of the ruler to its knees. Therefore, part of our activity will be aimed at encouraging workers, wage earners and other social groups to establish strikes and expand them in solidarity with people's protests and strengthen the position of the current freedom movement.

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)
October 15, 2022

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