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Another Crime in Sistan and Baluchestan: Killing of Demonstrators in the town of Khash!

Another Crime in Sistan and Baluchestan: Killing of Demonstrators in the town of Khash!

November 5, 2022
On Friday, November 4th, the killers of the Islamic Republic once again committed another murder and massacre in Sistan and Baluchestan by shooting directly at the people in the town of Khash. Although the number of dead and wounded is not yet clear, it is said that sixteen people were killed and dozens were injured. This killing is another crime in continuation of Zahedan's bloody Friday a few weeks ago. There are also a number of children among the dead. In a statement, Maulvi Abdul Hamid, the Sunni Friday Imam of Zahedan, called the violent suppression of protesters in Khash a "bloody crime".

The left party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) considers the shooting at the demonstrators and the massacre in Khash as a clear crime against the people, and holds the heads of the regime, especially Khamenei, responsible for it and strongly condemns it. The regime's crimes in Sistan and Baluchestan, the arrest and killing of people's children throughout Iran, none of them will help the Islamic Republic and its corrupt leaders, on the contrary, it will make the people of Iran more united and more determined to topple the corrupt and child-killing regime of the Islamic Republic.

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)
November 5, 2022

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