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To Counter the Revolutionary Movement, the Islamic Republic Wants to Revive the "Death Courts" of the Eighties!

To Counter the Revolutionary Movement, the Islamic Republic Wants to Revive the "Death Courts" of the Eighties!

The revolutionary movement has entered the eighth week of its life. During this time, people have protested against the regime in the streets, universities and schools. Despite the killing of more than three hundred protesters, including forty children and teenagers, and despite arresting more than 10,000 street protesters, students, workers, political and civic activists, lawyers, and doctors, the oppressors have not been able to silence the movement. So far, the revolutionary movement has shown that it has a high capacity to deal with the repression of the regime. The continuation of protests and its extent, neighborhood-based gatherings and the use of various initiatives have made the oppressors of the regime desperate and tired.
Unable to suppress the protesters, the regime has resorted to repeating the crimes of the eighties to deal with them. In a statement, 227 representatives of the Islamic parliament asked the judiciary to "implement the divine order towards the combatants in every dress and profession, as well as the life-giving order of retribution". The Iranian Human Rights Center has warned that nine people who were arrested during the nationwide protests, whose first court hearing was held on Saturday, October 29, are in danger of being sentenced to death. The Tehran prosecutor has announced the issuance of "conviction" and "indictment" for 315 of the "suspects of the recent riots" in Tehran and has said that four of the "anarchists" are accused of fighting and causing insecurity and fear of people. The Chief Justice of Tehran Province has also said that: "Thousands of indictments have been issued for the detainees of the recent events in Tehran and the trial of these main elements of the riots will be held publicly on all days of this week."
The Islamic Republic is ready to do any crime to save its disgraceful life. Now, by setting up courts similar to those of the eighties, it wants to cover up his weakness countering the movement with executions and convictions and create fear among the protestors and their families.
The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) warns against reviving the courts of the eighties and setting up the execution machine and issuing heavy sentences for the youth of the country who came empty-handed and chanted slogans against the corrupt regime. Ali Khamenei and his accomplices should know that even by setting up "death courts" they will not be able to silence the legitimate protest of the people. Executions and convictions will inflame protests and increase people's anger. We call on political and civil movements and activists, Iranians inside and outside the border and international forums to protest against the "death courts" and force the regime to abolish these courts and release the detainees and political prisoners.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)
November 9, 2022

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