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The Spread of Demonstrations and Strikes on November 15, a Turning Point in the Revolutionary Movement of the Iranian People!

The Spread of Demonstrations and Strikes on November 15, a Turning Point in the Revolutionary Movement of the Iranian People!

November 16, 2022

The widespread presence of various social groups in the protests, strikes and demonstrations on November 15 and the reception that was given to the call for demonstrations and strikes on the anniversary of the November 2019 Uprising, was another turning point in the expansion of the people's revolutionary movement. On this day, people in more than seventy cities and dozen parts of Tehran came to the streets and demonstrated for hours. Students of forty universities across Iran gathered in universities despite the presence of security forces and merchants and businesspeople closed their businesses in about thirty cities of the country in the company of the people. Also, the workers of the large steel complex and several other factories joined this movement.

The uprising of November 2019 itself was a platform for expanding the scope of people's protests against the Islamic Republic towards country’s liberation and creation of a free society. Although this uprising was suppressed by killing and violence, it was a fire that did not remain under the ashes and it always flared up wherever people confronted with the Islamic Republic over water, bread, freedom, etc., and now we are on the first day of the third anniversary, which is still rising in the stature of the "Women, Life, Freedom" movement, promising final liberation and reaching another peak.

The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) considers the widespread acceptance of the call for demonstrations on the third anniversary of November 2019 (Aban 1998) as another success for the "Women, Life, Freedom" movement and insists on its continuation. The widespread presence of various social groups in the demonstrations, strikes and protests on November 15 took the revolutionary movement one step further and showed that the movement that rose up to get rid of the corrupt and criminal regime of the Islamic Republic is not going to stand still, and becomes stronger every day that passes with the joining of different social groups.

In line with the calls of local youth organizations in different cities, university students across the country, and cultural organizations, we call our compatriots to widely participate in protests and strikes against the criminal regime of the Islamic Republic. The united power of the people against the oppressors is the key to freeing the country from the corrupt and criminal regime of the Islamic Republic.

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)
November 16, 2022

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