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Drone Attack on Military Centers in Isfahan is Condemned!

Drone Attack on Military Centers in Isfahan is Condemned!

January 31, 2023

 The Ministry of Defense and Support of the Armed Forces of Iran announced on the evening of January 28, 2023 that the military facilities of Isfahan were attacked. This attack was carried out by three drones. The Ministry of Defense of the Islamic Republic has not commented on the cause of this attack. But Western sources have attributed it to the Israeli government.

This is not the first time that such attacks have taken place on Iran's sensitive military and nuclear facilities. Until now, there have been many such attacks on nuclear and military centers, and in addition to cyber operations, in some cases, nuclear scientists and those involved in military and nuclear projects have also been assassinated, and the name of Israel has always been mentioned as the cause of these attacks and assassinations. Although Israel has not explicitly taken responsibility for these actions, except in some cases, it is clear that the Israeli government has extended its military actions and regional rivalries with the Islamic Republic into Iran's territory. Israel's actions in Iran are contrary to international laws and a clear violation of our country's territory and are condemned.

Along with suppressing the people of Iran, the Islamic Republic has created the main platform for these military actions in the region by supporting the paramilitary forces, "strategic depth" policy, and promoting expansionist and adventurous policies, and has exposed our country to threats and has caused the military actions of the Israeli government. A policy that, contrary to the regime's claim, has not only removed the danger, but has spread it to the depths and center of the country, Isfahan.

The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) condemns the attack on the military and nuclear centers of the country. Such attacks, especially in a situation where the people of Iran have risen up against the Islamic Republic and are fighting to bring it down, are harmful to the people of Iran and the freedom-loving movement "Women, Life and Freedom" and are being used by the Islamic Republic against the revolutionary movement of the Iranian people. Any military action by foreign forces is unacceptable and against international law. We are against any military action and setting up of militia groups in other countries, and we consider the interests of our country in strengthening peace and collective security in the region and with Iran's neighbors, and we strive to create it. A matter that the Islamic Republic not only does not pay attention to, but in addition to suppressing the people in Iran, it also acts as a cause of tension and instability and strengthening militarism in the region.

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)
January 31, 2023

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