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The Calamity of the Mass Killing of Political Prisoners in 1988, a Symbol of the Criminal Rule of the Islamic Republic!

The Calamity of the Mass Killing of Political Prisoners in 1988, a Symbol of the Criminal Rule of the Islamic Republic!

Thirty-five years have passed since the massacre of thousands of political prisoners in the prisons of the Islamic Republic in the summer of 1988. The heads of the regime were silent about this massacre from the very beginning until some time ago, but the efforts of all the petitioners and above all the families of the victims, with the support of democratic institutions, left and progressive parties and organizations, did not allow this calamity to be forgotten. In these thirty-five years, with the efforts of the plaintiffs of this tragedy, new details of its dimensions have been revealed. In addition to the families of the victims and especially the bereaved mothers and relatives, the living witnesses of this massacre have made an important contribution in the effort to find the truth by publishing their memories of this era. On the other hand, among the rulers, Ayatollah Montazeri's role has been unique. The publication of his audio tape and his revelations about this "greatest crime" of the Islamic Republic was an important document in confirming and completing the documents published by the witnesses of the 1988 massacre and the prisoners who survived this massacre in prisons. The trial of Hamid Nouri, one of the perpetrators of this massacre in Sweden, has cast another light on this crime in the eyes of the world.

Now all the efforts of the regime to erase the traces of this crime have failed; The regime itself has been forced to confess and has shamelessly defended the killing of prisoners, and from the leader to the president, who was a member of the “death panel” in 1988, they have brazenly defended the execution of Khomeini's killing order.

More than four decades of dark rule, discrimination and murder of opponents, trampling on the basic and human rights of fighters and freedom fighters, failure to respond to the people and relatives of the victims, and disregarding the pleas of the survivors, have not diminished the depth of the regime's crimes and has not stopped the families and survivors from pursuing the rights of their loved ones. On the contrary, the scandalous horn of this regime has sounded more than before. Today, after 35 years, the whispers of the survivors of the 1988 massacre have become a resounding cry, and the growth of collective awareness in the society and the growing acceptance of the Iranian people about human rights and the rights of dissidents have put the regime in tough situation inside and outside the country. The people of our country no longer tolerate the rule of murderers. The approach of popular movements and uprisings in recent years, especially the revolutionary movement "Women, Life, Freedom" is a strong witness of this claim.

The killing of thousands of political prisoners in 1988 is not a tragedy that can be forgotten. It is a crime that calls the public conscience of the society to judgment against the rampage that has been perpetrated on thousands of people. It is a wound that has become a symbol of the sinister rule of the Islamic Republic and rightly this regime should be seen in the painful mirror of this massacre. In these forty-four years, the rule of murderers, thieves and corrupt rulers has revived the memory of the darkest blitzes, invasions and massacres in the history of our country and marked one of the darkest pages in this history.

On the 35th anniversary of the killing of thousands of political prisoners in the dreaded prisons of the Islamic Republic, the Left Party of Iran once again honors the memory of all those who lost their lives and those who sacrificed their lives in the path of freedom and liberation from the tyranny of the Islamic Republic and the establishment of social justice. Our party supports the ideals of its comrades in the establishment of freedom, democracy and socialism in Iran and bows in respect to them and their suffering families. We respect the efforts and struggle of all the litigants of the crimes of the Islamic Republic, we support every step that is taken in this way, and we try to keep the litigating flag flying high. Let us not forget that the Islamic Republic has committed massacres on a national scale. Dealing with such an autocratic regime will not be very fruitful except at the national level.

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
September 3, 2023

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