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We Congratulate Mrs. Narges Mohammadi, a Brave and Persistent Fighter Against Discrimination and Injustice, on Receiving the Nobel Peace Prize!

We Congratulate Mrs. Narges Mohammadi, a Brave and Persistent Fighter Against Discrimination and Injustice, on Receiving the Nobel Peace Prize!

October 7, 2023
Awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to Mrs. Narges Mohammadi in recognition of her persistence and courage in defending human rights, the fight against execution, torture and imprisonment and the persistent defense of women's rights in the discriminatory system of the Islamic Republic, is a reason for everyone's happiness and a step towards strengthening "Woman, Life, Freedom" movement. We congratulate this success to Mrs. Mohammadi and all the fighting women of Iran.
Narges Mohammadi is one of the prominent figures of the civil struggles in Iran, who has not stopped pursuing her humanitarian and libertarian goals throughout her career, has been an active presence in the struggles of the people, and has persistently and steadfastly stood against tyranny and lawlessness. She has also paid exorbitant costs in this way; Deprived of visiting his family and children, arrested a total of 13 times and sentenced to 31 years in prison and she is still in prison. She has not stopped her fight in prison and has protested against the inhumane conditions in prison and has continued to expose the atrocities that are being committed against prisoners.

Awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to Mrs. Narges Mohammadi, honoring the efforts of Iranian women in asserting their rights and another emphasis on their abilities and leading role in Iran's social developments in the midst of the historical movement "Women, Life, Freedom" and an award for all women fighters and this movement in Iran!

The Left Party of Iran congratulates Mrs. Narges Mohammadi, her family, her friends and all activists of the "Women, Life, Freedom" movement for receiving the Nobel Peace Prize. We call on all human rights organizations and freedom fighters in Iran and the world to fight for the freedom of Narges Mohammadi and thousands of other political prisoners in the prisons of the Islamic Republic.

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
October 7, 2023

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