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November 2019

Those arrested for the recent protests must be released immediately!

We, the Republican Party and our organization, together with the people of our country, strongly condemn the suppression of the uprising by the leaders of the Islamic Republic and express our deep sympathy with the families of the protesters over what is happening in the prisons of the Islamic Republic against detainees. , We warn.

Les détenus des récentes manifestations doivent être libérés immédiatement!

Les tortionnaires de la République islamique ont pour tâche d’obtenir de force des détenus des aveux en confirmation du scénario préempté de Khamenei consistant à dire que l’organisation des manifestations ont l’origine "extérieures", justifiant ainsi leurs attaques cruelles contre ces soulèvements de la population.

Detained Protesters of recent uprising Must Be Released Immediately!

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
Let us do our best to obtain the names of detainees in a coordinated effort with other political parties and activists and freedom fighters in our country. The list of detainees must be immediately forwarded to human rights activists and organizations inside and outside the country.

Politique - Exécutif du Parti de la gauche iranienne (Fédayan du Peuple ) pour Unité nationale, camaraderie, cohésion et consultation!

Conseil politique - Exécutif du Parti de la gauche iranienne
Ce n'est pas pour cela que l'opposition se tait. Tout le monde s'aperçoit que les divers courants d'opposition de la République islamique sont à part entière et quasiment présents dans le mouvement avec le soutien du mouvement. Nous dissimulons tous cela pour soutenir le soulèvement, rappelant les expériences des militants passés des militants du mouvement directement impliqués dans la lutte. Le problème est l'absence d'un monopole unifié de l'opposition démocrate ou.

Internet disruption is the sign of suppressing people in Iran!

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
Internet cut is equal to cutting drinking water, electricity, or gas from the population. Obviously these cuts are not feasible. So is Internet. Fighting internet in any ways is fighting against the future of humanity.

Khamenei is directly responsible for the massacre of protesters in Iran!

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
Hassan Rouhani in the past claimed he was a man of law but now he wears army fatigue, his true color, to suppress the uprising of Iranian people. He threatened people from the state’s megaphone, warning protesters of the cameras installed in public places to record any activity of ordinary citizens; the same cameras which rightfully attacked by protesters in each street of each city of Iran.

We are pleased to hear the Arrest of one of the Executors of the 1988 Massacre and are Demanding Justice!

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
Now, one of the main anchors of this tragedy has been captured at the Stockholm airport and imprisoned on suspicion of involvement in these killings. If his court can independently proceed on the issue, Hamid Noori would be the first individual to be tried and brought to justice because of his involvement in committing horrific crimes in the Iranian prisons.