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May 2021


International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
In this issue you read:
Word of the Month Peace or Surrender
International Workers' day
Do not Vote!
Two States Governments, Difficult but Plausible solution!
Message to the Communist Party of Canada

"NO" to Mandated Election

The Islamic Republic is facing intertwined crises such as crises of legitimacy, authority and incompetency, widespread dissatisfaction of the people, a movement of demands and street uprisings on the one hand, and international pressures, especially crippling economic sanctions, on the other. This situation has put the country in a deadlock.

Let us Raise the Slogan "Let's not Vote!" to a Far-Reaching Slogan!

In the widespread opposition to this normative "election", every non-participation in the "election" is important and has its role; this is by no means enough to just say "no" to this regime show. It is necessary to take advantage of any initiative to expand the option of boycott. The struggle to boycott the "elections" does not end with encouraging family and friends not to vote; it is necessary to invite colleagues, neighbors and every citizen to persuade them not to show up at the polling stations.

We Call for an Immediate End to the Israeli Attacks on the Palestinian Territory

We, the political organizations and trade unions that sign this statement, condemn the repression of the Palestinian civilian population and the destruction of their urban infrastructure by the Israeli government, and call for an immediate end to these attacks. We also call for an end to the occupation of the Palestinian territories, the siege of Gaza and the application of discriminatory policies against the Palestinian people once and for all by implementing purposeful policies.

We condemn the evacuation of Palestinians from their homes and the tension and killing of people!

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The Palestinian protests were initially peaceful. The vigilance and violence of the Israeli police on the eve of Eid al-Fitr in Al-Aqsa Mosque caused the protests to spread to other areas and spread from the West Bank to Gaza and the Arab settler areas of Israel. The Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza says 35 people, including 12 children and three women, have been killed and 233 wounded in recent Israeli bombings. Hamas rockets have also killed two Israelis and wounded several others.

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Party's founding

International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
Your party's ongoing struggle to achieve the goals of free education for all, the expansion of universal health care, the protection and expansion of the public pension system with sufficient benefits, an end to all forms of gender discrimination and violence against women, and opposition to all forms of racism and discrimination, and many other noble goals is admirable.

Iran's membership in the UN Commission on the Status of Women is an insult to Iranian women!

Women Committee of the Left Party of Iran
In today's interconnected world, where every event, small or large, is exposed to the world's attention in the shortest possible time, the countries that voted for this membership cannot be unaware of the demands and efforts of Iranian women to earn their most basic rights. They are ignoring the regime's violent and repressive confrontation with these women, in various areas of social life.

Khamenei: More Filtration! Guardian Council: Obedience!

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
Until now, according to the laws and regulations of the Islamic Republic, the rule was that the Islamic Parliament should pass a law and the Guardian Council should approve or reject it and return it to the Assembly. Now, however, this council has taken on the role of both legislator and the law enforcer by going around the parliament! This is nothing but concentration of absolute power by the "supreme leader". This means that the fake election is more apparent than ever.