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Khamenei: More Filtration! Guardian Council: Obedience!

Khamenei: More Filtration! Guardian Council: Obedience!

Khamenei: More Filtration!

Guardian Council: Obedience!

In a threatening speech last week, Khamenei more explicitly stated that the criterion is the decisions of "high-ranking officials" and that the subordinate institutions, as executors, are responsible for the executions issued by these officials. That is, they should act in such a way that everything goes according to the will of the Supreme Leader!

In the same speech, he praised the Guardian Council and sent a message to his appointed body to continue the previous procedure more decisively according to his wishes. His words mean encouraging the Guardian Council to more filtration of the Presidential candidates. Less than two days later, the council added a few more rules to the previous ones so that the candidates could be filtered exactly as the will of the "leader" dictates!

Under the new rules, ministers, governors, mayors of cities with a population of more than two million, high-ranking commanders of the armed forces with the rank of major general and above can also register to run in the Iranian presidential election. Candidates must now be at least 40 and at most 75 years old, have at least a master's degree or equivalent and at least four years of management experience. They also must provide a certificate of no criminal record when registering. All these means shrinking the edges of the circle of "insiders"! According to these criteria, some of the current candidates have will be slaughtered by the Ministry of Interior affairs before their corpses reach the slaughterhouse of the Guardian Council! All the above was topped by a threat from a member of the Guardian Council who hostilely said: the disqualifications will continue until the "election" day!

Until now, according to the laws and regulations of the Islamic Republic, the rule was that the Islamic Parliament should pass a law and the Guardian Council should approve or reject it and return it to the Assembly. Now, however, this council has taken on the role of both legislator and the law enforcer by going around the parliament! This is nothing but concentration of absolute power by the "supreme leader". This means that the fake election is more apparent than ever.

The Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian) calls on all political parties and democratic activists to say NO to this "election" by calling on the people to boycott it and the need for all citizens to refuse and avoid participating in the election. . Today, more than ever, the meaning of "NO" is to stand up to the oppression of the Islamic Republic and to confront a government that openly and shamelessly humiliates a nation. Turning away from the ballot boxes should be turned into a platform for the continuation of the protests of January 2016 and November 2018 and the restoration of national pride. Voting is the right of the Iranian people. Deprive the ruling dictators of your votes.

Do not vote!

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian)

May 7, 2021

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