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May 2024

Message to the Congress of the United Left Front of Spain

International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
we have witnessed that these coalitions have been the source of significant transformations and services in Spain. We admire your persistent efforts to advance anti-discrimination policies in the relationships among the nations residing in Spain and dialogue for finding solutions, promoting responsible policies to protect the environment, defending the rights of refugees, although with less success, and finally, your sensitivity towards the government and people of Palestine. We commend all these efforts and struggles.

The Catastrophic Killing of Palestinian Refugees in Rafah!

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The Left Party of Iran considers the massacre of the Palestinian people as an example of a crime against humanity. The powerful governments of the West, especially the United States, are responsible for supporting the actions of the Israeli government in these killings. Their appeasement with the Israeli government and their ineffective criticism is a reaction to appease the public opinion, but in practice, it is an incentive for the continuation of this situation by the Israeli government.

The death of Raisi the Executioner is nothing to regret!

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The death of Raisi is neither regrettable nor politically significant. The only regret is that he did not live to be tried by the people's court and end his days behind bars. Politically, the death of this obedient servant of the Supreme Leader, who played no role other than following orders and acting on his whims, holds no special significance; especially considering that he was the most ineffective among his peers in the presidency.

What needs to be shattered

مجید سیادت
Second, the Middle East yearns for a long period of peace and stability. But in order for this to be possible, Israeli arrogance and sense of both entitlement and superiority need to be shattered and abandoned as well. All people in the Middle East – and all over the world -- are equal and must be treated so.

Statement of the Central Council of the Left Party of Iran: Evaluation of the Political Situation, Our Policies!

Central Council of the Left Party of Iran
Our country is prone to other explosions. Any anti-people action of the regime can be a spark in the people's anger of dissatisfaction. People's protests continue in various forms. Repression is the only means that the regime can use. But a society that has more than eighty million people and is constantly in turmoil cannot be managed with only the repression policy.

IRAN: View from the LEFT April 2024 No 52

International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
By striving to solve the Palestinian issue and weaken extremist and radical tendencies in Israel, in the region, and among Palestinians, there is hope that we are taking steps toward sustainable peace in the region. The highest level of security is achieved under the shadow of economic capability, societal development, and people's support, and this is possible in the light of democratic governance and a foreign policy with zero tension and creating friendly relations with neighbors. Read More:

On International Workers' Day, let us remember that unity and solidarity are the keys to success!

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
uggles of workers for increased wages, retirement benefits, the right to strike and rights of unions, the freedom of imprisoned workers and teachers, as well as other political and civil prisoners, the abolition of temporary work contracts, the elimination of gender discrimination, and all the demands outlined in the 12-article Charter and the 6-article Charter introduced this year by civil and labor organizations. We call for greater unity and solidarity among workers and wage earners and actively stand alongside them in the fight for freedom, equality, social justice and a humane system in Iran.