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Message of Greeting to the 1st Convention of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)

Message of Greeting to the 1st Convention of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)


Message of Greeting to the 1st Convention

of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)

Dear Comrades,

We convey the warmest greetings of the Iraqi Communist Party to the 1st periodic Convention of your party, the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian).

Your convention is taking place at a time when imperialist powers, led by US imperialism, are attempting to push the world back to the climate of Cold War and arms race, employing economic and political sanctions on a large scale and exporting arms, especially to the regions that are witnessing military conflicts.

This situation has fuelled tensions and is instigating conflicts and wars in many areas around the world, especially the Middle East. It has produced a fertile ground for the growth of extremist right-wing, fascist and ultra-reactionary terrorist movements, gravely threatening world peace.

The external imperialist interference and intense competition among reactionary regional powers in the Middle East to impose their hegemony over the region have contributed to deepening conflicts on a sectarian and ethnic basis and internal fragmentation.

It is important to draw attention here to the efforts by the Trump administration to build a security and political alliance in the Middle East with Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states, Egypt and Jordan under the pretext of countering Iran’s expansion in the region.

During recent weeks, grave dangers of a military confrontation between the US and Iran have increased. Such a war would have devastating consequences for the peoples of the Middle East and the Gulf region, as well as for world peace. A contributing factor to this dangerous situation has been the economic sanctions that were re-imposed by the US on Iran unilaterally and without international legal cover. This action followed its decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear agreement. As the two sides exchange threats, the situation could degenerate into a devastating military conflict. This would add new burdens to the peoples of the region who are already suffering the nightmare of the war against terrorism in Syria, the senseless bloody war in Yemen, instigated by Saudi Arabia, and the instability in several other countries.

The peoples of the region, including the Iranian and Iraqi peoples, are looking for stable conditions in which they can utilize their resources and wealth for their well-being and to build their own countries. They have the right to enjoy freedom, democracy and a decent life, and to choose their own political systems according to their free will, without wars, economic sanctions and siege. The Iraqi Communist Party has called for urgent action by all peace-loving forces in the world to prevent military confrontation and war, by pressing for dialogue and negotiations to diffuse tensions and resolve the crisis.

In this respect, it is crucial to further develop and strengthen international solidarity against the warmongering policies of imperialism, and to provide genuine support for ongoing struggles all over the world for peace, freedom, democracy and social progress, as well as promoting socialist ideas and goals.

It is also important to point out that the struggle for peace and against imperialist intervention is closely interconnected with the fight for democracy and human rights. Our party condemns all repressive measures against the patriotic and democratic forces, and against the forces of the Left, progress, socialism and communism in the Middle East and worldwide.

Dear Comrades,

The Iraqi Communist Party is continuing its struggle, in difficult and complex conditions, to put an end to the ethno-sectarian quota system that was installed after the US war, invasion and occupation of Iraq 16 years ago. The country is still suffering the consequences of an ongoing deep structural political crisis, with rampant corruption.

A significant military victory was achieved against the terrorist organization “Daesh” (the so-called “ISIS”) by late 2017, but it does not mean a final defeat of terrorism. This requires an integrated approach and policies on political, military-security, economic and cultural levels, as well as societal reconciliation.

The outcome of the parliamentary elections in Iraq last year, in May 2018, despite blatant interference by the ruling blocs and their manipulation of the electoral process, demonstrated the people’s strong desire to break the monopoly of political power and to open the path for change. The Iraqi Communist Party and the electoral coalition and alliance of “Sairoun” [i.e. Marching Towards Reform], consisting of Communists, the Sadrist movement and its supporters, and civil and liberal forces, achieved significant results. It won more than 16% of the seats in the new parliament. This alliance called for deep political reforms, to abandon the ethno-sectarian quota system and work towards establishing a state based on the principle of citizenship, true democracy and social justice. But the corrupt political forces in power are fighting back, viciously defending their vested interests. The Communist Party has therefore been targeted by reactionary groups, including recent criminal attacks on its offices in two provinces, Naseriyah and Basra, in southern Iraq.

Iraqi Communists and their supporters continue to be active participants in the mass protest movement against corruption and sectarian politics which began in summer 2015. More recently, on 24th May 2019, the movement has organized big mass rallies in central Baghdad, at Tahrir Square, and other provinces under the slogan “No to War! Yes to Peace!”. It is part of mass mobilization against the dangers of a new war in the region, demanding that Iraq should not be dragged into a war of aggression or used as a battlefield for a proxy war that would only serve the interests of imperialism and reactionary regional forces.

Finally, we seize this opportunity to reiterate our party’s solidarity with the just struggle of the Iranian people and their progressive forces for peace, democracy and social progress. We look forward to developing the friendly ties between our party and the Left Party of Iran.

With our best comradely wishes for a successful 1st Convention of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)

Central Committee - Iraqi Communist Party


11  July 2019

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