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May 2020

Long live May Day, International Workers' Solidarity Day!

The existence and continuation of the US economic sanctions makes it more difficult to deal with the Corona disease and increases mortality and financial losses, recession, unemployment and poverty, high prices and shortage of medical needs. Workers have suffered the most because of the sanctions. Continuation of these sanctions and the insistence on maintaining them by the US government, increases our people’s suffering.

The Resistance of Culture and Thought in Universities, Bankruptcy and the Disgrace of Regression!

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
Science and art are intertwined and together they are the building blocks of society's culture. The Islamic Republic (IR) does not tolerate either, and the sharp edge of its "Cultural Revolution" has, above all, targeted the throats of art and authors. This aiming, was not only to distort it, but also beyond it, to destroy everything that had any sign of artistic creativity and intellectual freedom.