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March 2021

On the occasion of the 87th anniversary of the founding of the Iraqi Communist Party

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
Your party has always been a friend, companion and supporter of our struggles during the 50 years of the Fadaei movement which the majority of its activities has been continued in the Left Party of Iran during the last 3 since this party has formed. Your affiliation with the other Communist parties and Workers' Parties all around the world and the efforts you make for world peace and disarmament, has not slowed you from collaborating with other left-wing and progressive parties that share your fundamental goals and values, and this should be considered as one of the praiseworthy features of the Iraqi Communist party.

Happy Nowruz, Welcome spring!

Last year, as in previous years, was the arena of great trials for the struggle of our people against the Islamic Republic. The struggle for a better and more humane life and the confrontation against the policies of the Islamic Republic in various areas of social life continued while the widespread corruption in the government system increased.

Let's unite to end discrimination and inequality against women in our country

Women Committee of the Left Party of Iran
The Women's Group of the Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian) congratulates all freedom seeking and equal right believers, both men and women, on the occasion of International Women's Day. We call for the support and cooperation of all progressive and justice-seeking forces to improve the situation of Iranian women. We highly value the efforts of women's rights activists in Iran and work with them to achieve women's rights.

Iraqi women are resilient despite violence and the coronavirus pandemic

Iraqi Women's League
Local, national and international indicators and reports confirm that Iraqi women live under harsh conditions and are subjected to more injustice, neglect, violence, marginalization and exclusion, in addition to unequal opportunities. This is so despite their contribution in many fields and the struggle to assert their right to real political participation and on decision-making levels. They are also continuing to combat all forms of violence directed against them and fighting to abolish all unjust decisions and legislations that violate their dignity and human rights.

In solidarity with the campaign of "Corona vaccine for all"

Inequality and discrimination in the distribution of life saving opportunities have increased the risk for vulnerable groups in society. The unfair distribution of corona vaccine throughout the world poses widespread life and financial hazards now.

In the global Covid-19 epidemic, the corona vaccine should be recognized as a common wealth good, such as air, and efforts must be made to make it available to all people of the world

IRAN: View from the Left – issue 14

International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
In this issue you read:
Words Of the Month
Corona vaccine for everyone
Call for unity on the fiftieth anniversary of the Fadaie movement
The right to practice mother tongue language is a human right
In solidarity with Baluchistan
Negotiation without preconditions beyond Iran's Nuclear Deal
The necessity of Unconditional Negotiations beyond the Nuclear Deal
Left Party of Iran (Peoples Fadaian) Condemns the Killing of Balochi Citizens in Iran

Retirees' demands are just!

Retirees will be able to push back the government and parliament and achieve their demands in the light of organized struggle and in connection, solidarity and joint struggle with workers, teachers, nurses and other wage earners. Now, in the light of these struggles and their continuation, there are signs that the government and parliament are retreating over equalization and the increase in the pensions.